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Everything posted by Caryl

  1. Damn this invisible force field! How does that bird generate it??? Wanna be my friend? I actually think the cat is rather confused by this bird. He used to try very hard to get at Bud but I think Pepper's size is giving it second thoughts. It tried a couple of half hearted swipes then just sat and watched. Perhaps because Pepper doesn't fly and bounce around like Bud did :-?
  2. An interesting idea and yes, many historians are worried about the lack of printed photos as many just store on their computer, without backups, and all is lost when the system crashes. I know I rarely print any photos. There are a few bits I don't like in the terms and conditions though so not sure it is a service I would sign up to.
  3. I assume you mean the Trademe site and not our PT&E? Either way, it is not our business and we do not condone "name and shame" type things. As said, better to approach ther person involved and offer help, rather than criticising them somewhere, especially as they have no way of knowing, or defending themselves. We are a site to help fellow fish hobbyists, not the animal police. If you feel unable to talk to them directly then call the SPCA. You might also contact Trademe and let them know you are concerned about the state of their animals but, unless they are selling them on their site, I doubt they would be interested. You also have no idea why they currently have a lot of animals "in poor condition". They may have removed them from elsewhere ready to nurse them back to health.
  4. As you have got an answer in the other thread I am locking this one. Please ask a question once only to avoid confusion.
  5. You should be reported to the SPCA for that!!!
  6. It's only water, think of it as carpet cleaning (unless it was a marine)
  7. I copied it from elsewhere, it wasn't my idea! :oops: I had 2 Amano books (both the same). I sold one but can't find the other. I suspect I have loaned it to someone and they have not returned it :roll: Note to self; stop lending people your books as you can never remember who you gave them to and they don't give them back!! :evil:
  8. When I go away and people in to feed the fish I put the required amounts into a 7 day pill container from the $2 Shop and hide the rest.
  9. "Should have just hit him" :lol: Then prohibited him from coming back.
  10. Tin foil works well. I have also seen one made using old CDs :-?
  11. I would tell you if I could find my Takashi Amano book :roll: Google his name and I am sure you will find it easily. Basically, it is... Greek philosophers and mathematicians found out long ago: the best ratio that pleases your eye is 1:1.618. To explain. When you drink your coffee, you mix one part of milk with 5 parts of coffee (just as an idea) You have a ratio of 1:5. So when you place your focal point, you divide your tank length into two pieces. One has the ratio of 1.618 and the other the ratio of 1. How to do that??? Very simple: just measure the length of your tank and divide it through 2.618. Take the result and measure it from one side of your tank. Mark it. The rest is 1.618 (no math there). This is the place for your very special centerpiece, focal point or whatever you call it.
  12. See how even the scales along the top are standing out?
  13. Here is the one and only fish I have had that got dropsy. See the scales are sticking out the whole length of the body
  14. Only 50??? Welcome 8)
  15. As an aside, dropsy affects the whole body and the scales stick out all over, even along the top of the body. If a fish has a swelling the scales will naturally stick out where the swelling is, as they accommodate the bulge beneath, not all over the body.
  16. Interesting you should say that kiwiplymouth as I too thought that was the reason you should not use the iodised salt.
  17. Perhaps you have the rarer chirping grunty tree frogs
  18. If you have the opportunity to see this show then do so. I have never laughed so hard in my life!!! :lol: http://www.busting-out.com/theshow.html
  19. Shouldn't that be plecoholics gone public?
  20. We can all help by taking them off your hands I am sure
  21. I think you are argueing semantics here. Separate companies but all owned by the same umbrella company. I suggest anyone wanting to transport fish contact their local branch to see what they say. Is that pet courier still operating? Used to be called Stuart Little I think but then changed name.
  22. Every now and then a bar decides to do this an animal lovers get upset. Hopefully it will be stopped or someone catches something nasty from the fish or chokes on it or something :roll: I am not sure what it says about a person who thinks swallowing a live animal in this manner is fun. :evil: I have no objection to those doing it in the wild when they require a source of food!
  23. Caryl

    Dither Fish

    They look stunning in a larger group. Always on the move and they catch the light beautifully.
  24. Oooh yes, excellent suggestion douwe! One of my favourites them thar torpedo barbs.
  25. I have an overall view of the tank 8) Never occurred to do a closeup of the workings sorry.
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