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Everything posted by Caryl

  1. I don't think the polythene will be "leeching". More likely there is a hole somewhere or perhaps water splashed over the top of the lining if it isn't high enough (or rain?). I can't see why fibreglass wouldn't work. It would be safe enough since they make fish ponds out of it.
  2. We had our AGM today. Officials remain the same but zev please note we meet on the 4th Sunday, not the 3rd. It needs correcting.
  3. We had a delicious AGM and a long chat about conference and fish :bounce: Plus we played around with a pH test and found my tanks are all pretty much neutral in that department and the pond is around 7.6 - 7.8.
  4. Quick question... If 2 of our members come down in their camper (a small 2 person one), does anyone have a yard for them to park it in over conference weekend?
  5. Try this, copied from a Sony manual we have here for a CDX-C6800X but might be the same, or similar; This unit is operated by selecting items from a menu. To select, first enter the menu code and choose up/down (+)/(-) of DISC/PRST or choose left/right (-)/(+) of SEEK/AMS The clock uses 12 hr digital indication. Example; To set the clock to 10.08 Press MENU then press either side of DISC/PRST repeatedly until "CLOCK" appears Press ENTER and the hour indication flashes Press either side of DISC/PRST to set the hour Press the (+) side of SEEK/AMS. The minute indication flashes. Press either side of DISC/PRST to set the minute Press ENTER The clock starts. After the clock setting is completed, the display returns to normal play mode.
  6. I have a Sony DSC-F828 which is now 6 years old. I aim, wait for the "beep beep" that tells me it has focussed on something, then I push the button. I do this hundreds of times and sometimes I get 1 or 2 good photos out of it 8) To photograph the fish and tanks, do it at night with all the curtains pulled to stop reflections. Have as much lighting on the tank as possible (and I turn off the main room lights) and the shutter speed as fast as possible (so I have been told but I don't know how to change it). I have tried reading the instruction manual but it appears to be in Greek and it uses lots of terms I do not understand. It helps to have the camera on a tripod, or box, to keep it steady. If you use the flash, aim at a slight angle to avoid the flash reflecting off the glass. I have a separate flash I can attach (more powerful than the one built in) which helps. However you do it, prepare to get lots of useless photos and only a few goodies :roll:
  7. Caryl

    King Killi

    Sorry to hear that Barrie.
  8. Better to find she has a bucket than she kicked the bucket
  9. Just got to go visit the little girls' room then go make a cuppa and I will be there too!
  10. For those in larger cities it is often easier (and quicker of course) to fly direct but for those for who it isn't, the offer is there.
  11. Don't forget we have spare beds and space in vehicles and can pick you up from the ferry terminal (and deliver you back) if anyone wants to come across as a walk-on ferry passenger to save money
  12. Sorry to hear that Lunnie and I understand your dislike of them at the moment. You should be proud as not many people actually get bitten by the reclusive katipo
  13. The lakes on the west coast of the south island are sometimes a deep blue. Ground rock and ice particles are responsible for the brilliant blue colour of the water in glacier lakes.
  14. We had friends in Picton who heated their large swimming pool using black hose coiled up and down the garage roof that was right beside the pool. Worked very well.
  15. Poly on sides and back really makes a difference! (Top too if you can manage since heat rises. Not everyone's hood and lighting allows this option though.)
  16. Do remember most spiders do not attack you or bite unless you hurt them first. Nice spider Livingart!
  17. I have 2 older brothers. As a teen I would not be seen dead with any of my brothers' friends! Mind you, by the time I was seriously interested in boys (I was a late starter) my brothers had left home :lol:
  18. Forgot to say they have all sorts of stuff (all healthy and tasty) http://www.annies.co.nz/
  19. Here is another pic just for you then MarkLB :lol: and an extra salsa dip
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