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Everything posted by Caryl

  1. I think there is a rule somewhere that says you are not allowed to eat chocolate fish in front of the rest of us!
  2. Many people set up a tank and claim they never cycled and never had a problem. This is because they actually did cycle it - without realising it. All it means is to add fish slowly so the filter media can build up bacteria to match the stocking level.
  3. I have had a lot of customers recommend Picasa but have not used it myself.
  4. Whatever the results, however they were shot, it will still enthuse some to give it a go in their own way 8)
  5. The forum I belong to in the UK offers to help newbies with media from someone in their area. I have taken a fully cycled filter down to ChCh and set it up again with no problems. It was unplugged for about 5 hours by the time we got it all hooked up again.
  6. Looking good. Perhaps it will encourage others to give it a go and we will have even more entries in the POTM
  7. Two projects my kids did; 1. Which is the best food for growing white worms? Consisted of about 5 margarine pottles with potting mix and teaspoon of worms. Each container was fed a different food (cat meat, baby food, luncheon, porridge, bread). 2. Do plant fertilisers work? Had a 3ft tank divided into 3 (glass dividers, no water flowing between). Each one had one stem of baby tears and one sprite (all similar size but also measured). Left section had plant tabs, right had liquid fert and centre was control. Measured once a week and results compared. Might need longer time for the fertiliser one though :-?
  8. Is this a school project? What age? And yes, what time frame do you have?
  9. It can be if you read it wrong or don't take your glasses
  10. I'm sure he only means him to use one set at a time
  11. They are very slow at eating it. My kids used to love dropping an earthworm into the goldfish tank. With a fish at each end it was amazing how far the poor worm could stretch! They still ate it a lot faster than the puffers :-?
  12. At this time of year I actually get direct sun on my tank for a couple of hours in the morning, due to the angle of the sun, so need to keep one curtain closed until mid morning or I get green spot algae on the glass at one end. Sometimes you can have this problem and the blackout works and the problem does not return as the inbalance was temporary, for whatever reason.
  13. I just went by the colours :lol: I do not know enough about killies or gobys :roll:
  14. I think so Jen. Must check the cheapie flights
  15. I will have plenty of spare time as I am driving my parents down to stay with mum's sister for her birthday. We go down Friday and back Sunday. I am staying with my son and his partner again and we go to a birthday dinner on Saturday night I think. Other than that I will be free (and have mum's car and our GPS)
  16. Grant and I will unfortunately miss the meeting (again!) as Grant is on call and I will be in ChCh (again!). Our club did a similar night walk looking for native fish in the stream at White's Bay. It was amazing how many we found and we all had great fun. Hopefully Tasman will organise another night hunt and we will be able to attend then. Along with a torch, net and suitable clothing, make sure you have spare torch batteries plus a good container in which to study your captives before releasing them again.
  17. I remember phone numbers more by the pattern on the keypad, not the actual numbers. If you asked me someone's phone number I likely could not tell you, without stopping to think about it (and getting confused), but I could show you instantly. I can see how colour coding could work - pity the colour blind though :-? I learned piano as a child. Had trouble reading the music but could play by ear. My music teacher would play the piece first and I would just repeat it from memory. It wasn't until I made the mistake of telling my mother I was doing it that way that she told the teacher, who then stopped playing the tune before we started Needless to say, gave up music lessons soon after :roll:
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