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Everything posted by Caryl

  1. You only need to clean a filter when the water flow becomes greatly reduced. This can vary a lot depending on species of fish and stocking levels.
  2. They graze on the bogwood. Not enough to the extent they actually eat it and it requires replacing.
  3. My son is a deputy court registrar in a family court.
  4. That tyre looks like it would have been a bit chewy :lol:
  5. Hah! You sit in the chat room mumbling about the latest pudding or cake your daughters have made, and you are eating, so I have no sympathy for you whatsoever :lol:
  6. They are still going but do not have meetings. They only have 3 members and one does not live near enough to attend meetings! PM me with who you have tried to contact so I can help.
  7. Actually, if you are home Tuesday or Wednesday (not sure which one at the moment but can check once Grant is home) next week I can personally deliver your Year Book and membership card as Grant and I need to spend a night in Timaru on the Silver Fern Car Rally. The AWs will be posted out directly from the printer but I can bring a copy to give you a brief look
  8. Pictus cats are available here. Have a look at Mystus catfishes too. Hoplos are great fish but grow a little bigger than you want (15cm)
  9. Not at the moment as it went into recess due to lack of interest.
  10. Well I am afraid you are going to have to - and longer than usual. Sorry about that The paperwork has been sent. We don't know how long it takes NZ Post to process requests though.
  11. A bigger tank is much easier to look after than a small one. By bigger I mean 100L+. When things go wrong in a small tank it can do so very quickly and the fish is dead before you realise but in a larger tank the toxins or whatever build up more slowly so you have time to see the symptoms and correct the problem before harm is done.
  12. The coldwater fish you will get are freshwater. Unless you plan to keep marines or brackish fish, your fish will be freshwater ones - either cold or tropical. The flukes in humans are different to the ones that infect fish.
  13. Welcome Renee. I hope you are able to return the little tank, as suggested, and take up diver21's offer.
  14. Ours is not until next weekend as it is held in the A&P Showgrounds and it is full of animals at the A&P Show this weekend. Not a good mix to combine the 2 events :-? Being a small town, our display will be nowhere near as good as the city ones but it is enjoyed my many all the same.
  15. and send it to me for the magazine
  16. Read the sticky at the top of the FNZAS Clubs page. Magazines are free to all financial members of the FNZAS or you can subscribe. Anyone who joins, or subscribes, after the magazine has gone to the printers may only get a non gloss version for the first month as specific numbers have already been quoted for. Magazines come out quarterly - Feb, May, Aug, Nov.
  17. ...This issue is going to be a little late. It is done and at the printers but we are waiting for approval of a Permit Post number and a credit account with NZ Post as we are now eligible for bulk posting rates and the printer is willing to address, bag, and post for us :bounce: As soon as we get out permit number, the magazines will be sent out. Sorry for the delay but if this all works it is going to save me a lot of time and the FNZAS a lot of money! :bounce: The final proof arrived today (we had some issues with the previous proofs. Being our first time there were a few minor problems to iron out but all is now solved) and it looks amazing. The whole magazine is done in full gloss with properly trimmed edges, at a much better rate than I was able to do them here at home on my laser printer. When the magazine arrives, you will see... How to Create an Asian Backwater Biotope See pics and read about the Waikato Pet Expo plus Waikato and Tasman's Tank Crawls Learn about Basic Aquarium Photography Find out about Lucky, the very lucky turtle Learn how to keep and breed NZ native seahorses a Dunedin member tells us how she discovered the local aquarium club and the results A Bay Fish member offers a review on the Blue Planet hexagonal 57L aquarium and read a personal account from the Christchurch earthquake plus LOTS MORE!! :bounce:
  18. Extra parties sounds good to me. Grant and I hope to be down on Friday as there is a stand we want to check out at the Show then we have the exec meeting on Saturday. I am sure that evening will be free as we don't start the rally until Sunday :bounce:
  19. They rang my dad but he has had a number of strokes and is hard of hearing so he told them he didn't understand what they were saying and hung up :lol: I keep getting called by overly perky sounding computers claiming their name is "Mike" or something else and they are ringing from Las Vegas! I think one claimed I had won a holiday but I haven't listened long enough to the others to find out what they were selling. Being cold called by humans is bad enough but when computers do it... :evil:
  20. That was my thought too Stella, especially at this time of year :lol: I only found this today the-obstacle.
  21. I have found an old and very interesting article that mentions curing whitespot using daphnia! It says to lower the temperature to about 22C so the whitespot are slowed down and the daphnia, which feed on the parasites, are still active. A dense cloud of daphnia soon disposes of the disease and the fish get so sick of eating daphnia that they leave it alone and eat the flake food. Anyone interested in trying this?? 8)
  22. No idea what to suggest. If she is still alive and still dropping fry I would be inclined to leave her be and see what happens. The only thing I would suggest is trying to pull the blob off but I don't know if that would do more harm than good :-? Keep the water quality pristine and make sure other fish do not harrass her.
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