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Everything posted by Caryl

  1. Done. Sorry to hear about the fighter gagaforfish.
  2. Grant and I thoroughly enjoyed our weekend. Thanks to the Waikato club for making it so interesting and special thanks to Owen, Rochelle and Shannon who, I think, did the bulk of the organising. Rochelle especially outdid herself with the quiz night and we appreciated our accommodation. As zev said, the results of the last challenge were highly suspect. I think because we were winning ("we" being a group of out-of-towners showing up the locals) they deducted extra points on mere technicalities - they even tried to disqualify us!!!! Even after 2 independent judges said our construction fitted within the rules they still halved our points so we came third :lol: All the tanks on show were stunning and a credit to their owners. It was fun to meet up with previously met people and to put faces to names in here eg myfishybusiness, Malcolm, Tom_Shannon (the Shannon half as we had already met Richard - don't know where "Tom" comes into it!), BettaSplendens. Not sure if we met Nymox :-? Had a delicious lunch from one the local bakeries and the evening buffet was also very tasty and plentiful. Many commented on the cheap prices for drinks from the bar too so all were very happy We got to meet Phoenix44 and Rusty on the way home too :bounce:
  3. All heaters are pretty much 100% efficient. If you put 2 in a tank and the tank is up to temp you will probably find only 1 will ever turn on as their thermostats will be slightly different. It is quite possible that some heaters rated at 300W are not actually 300W. We must assume they all are so it won't matter what brand you buy as it won't matter what the brand, they will still heat the water the same amount.
  4. Oh yes! You will be able to spot us easily enough :lol: :roll:
  5. We will be busy looking after the kids' bedroom, we will have no time to look after the kids as well Not many people ask me to look after their kids :lol:
  6. All packed and ready to go. Grant on callout at the moment. Will have to out again about 1am then again about 7am :roll: Good thing we are in the Kia as we will need it.
  7. Siphon a bit out first and see how far it goes. I use an eyedropper or turkey baster, suck them up then squirt them onto a hankie (same way Jennifer does). If the funnel the hankie is in is propped in a jar or similar you can then tip the water back into the hatchery.
  8. Caryl

    Hard Question.

    I know an answer to this but it refers to men's ears in general, not Eskimos in particular, and it is too risque for this forum :lol:
  9. Since we are staying with him it should be me who does the greasing! I don't think I smell too bad but as to old.... at least Grant is lots older so I appear younger in comparison 8)
  10. If he grows big enough he won't need friends in their with him
  11. It has been many years since I have actually had a tank made so perhaps things are different from ye olde days :-? :lol:
  12. When referring to newly hatched fish, the word fry is both singular and plural. One fry, two fry, red fry, blue fry. Fries are chips. Feed finely crushed flake (crushed between your fingers is fine enough).
  13. I always get my tanks from a glazier. They are a fraction of the cost. Small tanks don't need their own stands as they often fit easily on existing furniture.
  14. Caryl

    platy breeds

    Most people seem, from what I have seen, to breed according to colour, rather than species. I imagine most here are either Xiphophorus helleri or X maculatus. There are a number of variations within these two depending on colour and fins.
  15. Some people are not as mean as others
  16. If it is constipation then the peas or Epsom Salts are the best cures. What have you been feeding them?
  17. Does the fish look like a pinecone all over? That is dropsy. If the scales are just sticking out over the belly, where it is distended, then it is something else.
  18. Caryl

    Kia Ora.

    Kia ora to you too and welcome to The Fishroom.
  19. Caryl

    Hey Sam!

    The word is not "hoggin" it is "Sheddin"
  20. I can see us all turing up at number 4 :lol: Wonder if the owners have a sense of humour 8)
  21. It took a couple of attempts but finally accepted it as valid :roll:
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