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Everything posted by Caryl

  1. There are several different species of fish all commonly called "whitebait". 5 Galaxid species and 1 smelt I think
  2. Have answered this in your welcome thread. Others may add their suggestions.
  3. Snails easily find their way into aquariums, usually via plants. You can leave them, get snail eating fish, or squish them against the glass.
  4. These were taken by Grant and I. I have not loaded other people's pics as they can do it themselves. Have a look here
  5. Work does not supply him with a vehicle. All they had to offer was a 2WD stationwagon!! :roll: I am sure a Range Rover would be very nice - if we could afford one :-?
  6. Interesting that both places recommended doing both (and one does not do the work so wasn't looking for a sale) but both know where Grant goes and the stress put on his vehicles so probably figure if one has gone the other isn't far behind :roll: This is one 4WD that gets hard off-road use, not used just to take kids to school or to get groceries.
  7. Grant is away on a course today so took the opportunity to send me down to the tyre place to get 4 new tyres on the Kia 4WD. That was expensive enough but when I went to pick it up I was informed that when they jacked it up the left front shock lost all it's fluid! The vehicle ran out of its warranty on Sunday on the way home from Hamilton The local agent says he will see if he can get it replaced under warranty as it is so close and he knows how well it has been serviced - since he has been doing it. He will also have to do both shocks but we will have to pay for the other. They have to order the shocks in so it will be a day off the road and I think Grant is fully booked so will have to cancel something :roll: Oh well, as of Wednesday night he had already worked a 44 hour week so perhaps he will get a break. Most of the places he goes requires the 4WD so he can't use one of our other vehicles instead.
  8. I think this thread has been done twice before in the past but there are always new people 8) A freiend of mine says Ladyhawk is her favourite movie of all time (I think it was 'cos of Rutger Hauer though). I enjoyed it but wouldn't go that far. My username is my name. I have never had a nickname and couldn't think of one. I also figured I would foget whatever I had come up with so better to stick with my own name, odd spelling and all. It came about when mum and dad argued over what to call me. Dad wanted Meryl and mum wanted Carol so Caryl was a compromise :roll:
  9. Good to meet you. If you add your location to your profile it may help in future when asking questions.
  10. Welcome. It is only for the first few posts and then you can upload pics. To get technical, joining this site does not make you a member of the federation. Once you have paid subs to an affiliated club (like the Auckland one) then you will be an official member of the FNZAS
  11. I have never bred them myself but I understand a good lid is necessary as the fry are very prone to infections from cold air at the surface.
  12. Gareth says they have structural damage to their house and garage now that did not appear in the initial quake. The house has sunk quite noticeably in one corner and cracks have appeared on the walls and some doors are not closing properly. All minor compared to some. He hasn't been home to check for water damage yet this time. May be a mess when he gets home tonight. No need to apologise Barrie, I am sure we all need to laugh during times of stress. I doubt any of them are so traumatised that they would shift to Auckland yet :lol:
  13. At 11.32am, 5.0, 9km deep, 10km SW of ChCh.
  14. I gather you have just had another big shake. My aunt has lost power. Son reports a big shake but they are OK. How is everyone else? Last quake on Geonet shows a 4.0 at 10.54 so it hasn't updated yet.
  15. I didn't count the empty ones! They are all over the place, all small. Largest is a 3ft. :roll:
  16. Hi and welcome. Also, what sort of filtration do you have? Goldfish are very messy and, along with surface area, need a lot of filtration. Ich, or whitespot as it is commonly known, looks like the fish has been sprinkled with salt. Have you done any water tests? Do you know the ammonia, nitrite and nitrate levels?
  17. At our worst we had 18 but I cut that back to 1 for a number of years. I am very self disciplined 8) Hmm, looking around my lounge, how come I see 4 tanks up and running? I am sure there were only 3 before we went away for the weekend
  18. They are already in it - by accident :roll: Simian gave me a bag full of orange swordtails (I had admired the swords and lyre tails in his main tank). I had been floating them over the day, slowly mixing the waters as there was a big difference in pH between the bag and the tank (also brought back from Hamilton :roll: ) but last time I came to see how they were, and mix a little more, it was to find the bag had fallen over on its side and all the fishes had escaped into the wide clear tank yonder :lol: Here's hoping they are fine. The tank has no filter on it but it is almost 100 litres and the fry are all about 1cm or so long so there will not be a big bio load on it any time soon
  19. Look what Jude made for me. Didn't she do a great job???? :bounce:
  20. Thanks A-town, yes it does look like the Google images for that model. I will plug it in and if it goes, it will run on my tnak nicely. :bounce:
  21. I have an internal filter here. On the label is the following; EHEIM Typ 2010 54 0 Serie 08081 l/h 500 I am assuming 08081 is the model number but I can't find anything on them. I assume the l/h is litres per hour. I can't remember what the supposed best turnover rate is for a community tank. I have set up my new 100L (approx, actually less than that as not full and has large log in it too) and wondering if this filter will be a good size for it. I will also have to check and see if it goes! :lol:
  22. The Fabulous Fantastic (or was it Fantastic Fabulous?) Foreigners was robbed!! :lol: I found it interesting how each group came up with such totally different constructions! I will post pics as soon as possible.
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