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Everything posted by Caryl

  1. His mistake, he needs to pay for it so you are not out of pocket. A black fish will not start off light and go black but a black fish can go lighter. I have also had a totally orange fish go totally white in the body with orange fins. It has been years since I have seen a truly black black moor in NZ as they are now rather inbred and all tend to have a very noticeable bronze tint to them.
  2. The breeding scheme was to encourage members to breed fish, especially when so many are being banned from future entry into the country. If we don't breed what we have we lose them forever. This has already happened to many species Serious breeders are not interested in registering their fish. Many do not want others to know what they are breeding or are keeping.
  3. I upped the temp and added a UV. It worked.
  4. Caryl


    Err, pass :-? I have not bred them myself.
  5. Mine has Masterclear written on it and has been running a few years. The one before that was a cheapie from The Warehouse or Mitre 10 and ran for years.
  6. He did ask what others thought and constructive, helpful, criticism is fine. It does not have to be agreed with, or followed. I tend to agree with Supasi and Hovmoller though.
  7. Caryl


    The Type Test for lionheads has a depth of body greater than 1/2 body length whereas the ranchu depth of body is 1/2 the body length, not greater than. Compared to lionheads, ranchus have a more downturned, tucked-in at a sharp angle, tail and tail fin. The ranchu's tail meets the caudal peduncle at a forty-five degree angle, giving the fish a unique swimming motion. Their backs are more arched whereas lionheads backs should be flat.
  8. Ordinary cotton works well as does carefully jamming it into existing splits in the wood.
  9. Caryl

    live foods

    I have always had containers outside in which all sorts of greeblies (that is a technical term for small aquatic insects) grow and breed. I net one and all and feed them to the fish with no problems. I have heard some, like backswimmers or waterboatmen, can eat fish eggs but they would have to beat the other fish to them first!!
  10. Caryl

    Hi from chch

    Welcome. As Alan said, join Totally Tanked and you are sure to hear of great bargains. I suggest you clean the glass before taking pics :lol: I also thought people said you should not put Siamese fighters with gouramis. Usually I hate all man-made decorations like sunken ships, Easter Island heads, bridges, etc bit for some reason I like the crashed planes :-?
  11. One of your birthstones? I thought we all had one. Triliobite I am sure it could be fixed if you would like PM zev and she can do it for you. 8)
  12. Daughter and I have been baking for the stall at their roller derby Halloween themed fundraiser event tomorrow (it is Marlborough Anniversary weekend). Here are the witch's fingers she made...
  13. We have a Lions' boot sale every Saturday here plus the Farmers' Markets. I have heard there is often goldfish for sale at the boot sale but not seen them myself. Of course, if I actually went to the boot sale I might see them :lol: :roll: I don't think any tropical fish are sold, even over the summer months.
  14. How long has the tank been set up? Have you checked ammonia, nitrite and nitrate?
  15. and what sex ratio are the platys?
  16. www.applesnail.net is a wonderful site with a lot of information (including recipes :lol: ). As said, snails need an alkaline pH or their shells soften and disintegrate.
  17. Thanks to you all. I have had 2 offers to pick her up and return her as well so I am sure we will get it sorted. Part of the interview process is an orienteering seminar on what is expected etc for an overseas job so that is why it takes all day.
  18. It is my daughter who will be coming up for a job interview Friday Nov 19th (leaves Blenheim at 4.15pm, not sure what time it arrives just at the moment) and back home Sunday 21st leaving 11am. The interview will take all day Saturday at the Barrycourt, which is why we have booked her in there.
  19. Can any of you tell me approx what it would cost to get a taxi from the airport to the Quality Hotel Barrycourt in Parnell? It is apparently 19.3km. It will be a Friday night. Or is there a shuttle bus, or any bus, going between the 2 places? They do not appear to have a shuttle service.
  20. But all being Xiphophorus they should crossbreed easily.
  21. I always assumed platys and swords could breed as both were Xiphophorus sp. and someone had, in the past, just taken those with the sword and bred them to get the longer sword but, apart from that they were the same fish. :-?
  22. Lots of fine leaved plants for the fry to hide. Do you have space to raise a lot of guppy fry if you save them all?
  23. I rang the ChCh depot for Works this morning and told his boss the story and how much we appreciated Harold's help. He is going to make Harold the "Employee of the Month" :bounce: We would have had to sit and wait some time for the AA if Harold hadn't come to our rescue. He got the car jacked up (luckily he had a piece of wood to slip under the jack as we were having trouble with it sinking) the tyre off and the spare on then he checked to see what was dripping (turned out to be just the air con). All with a friendly smile. When he said his name was Harold my dad promptly asked "The giraffe?" He was probably used to that so only laughed and said that no, he was too short :lol: On the way back we actually caught up with Grant at the shingle fans (he had been working up Blue Duck Valley) so followed him home. We made it in time to help out our daughter's Quiz Night team and rocketed them back into first place! (had dropped to 5th last week). Go the Foxy Morons! :bounce: :bounce:
  24. Took mother to ChCh today to catch her Aussie flight but hit a rock on the way (we suspect it fell off a truck as there were no slips or places nearby it could have fallen from). Totally destroyed the front left tyre (only a couple of months old) so more expense! :roll: Three cheers for Harold, the friendly Downer Works man who stopped his truck and helped us out.
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