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Everything posted by Caryl

  1. Caryl

    Hi from ChCh :)

    Hi and welcome. You will have a lot of fun and meet other turtle keepers at Totally Tanked.
  2. Gets too cold down here unfortunately so would cost a fortune to heat. :-?
  3. Caryl

    Colourless oscars

    but the red ones go faster :lol: I am curious as to why you do not want any red, if you don't mind my asking?
  4. Caryl


    What's eww about them? They are very useful! :bounce:
  5. Caryl


    Very interesting! I thought leeches were all black (except when well fed and they go dark red).
  6. Considering what comes out of a lot of teenaged mouths these days (especially the girls) I think it would be a good thing :roll:
  7. I disagree Joe. A caged bird that is let out daily is perfectly acceptable.
  8. I got mine from a member in Gisborne 8)
  9. A 4.8 this afternoon and not very deep
  10. Most of us start spreading before we sag! :roll: :lol:
  11. Grant is good at the last minute/second bids too :lol: I don't trust autobid. :roll:
  12. I suggest you start with a budgie. They are a lot quieter than cockatiels. My nana's budgie could recite nursery rhymes and a number here met Bud, the wonder budgie. He had quite a repertoire and was free range every evening. We still miss him (and Pepper). Budgies can be taught tricks too.
  13. One of the pet shops we visited recently had signs explaining price changes due to GST. They finished with "We thank you for your patients" :lol: As to sellers writing from the animal's perspective. If it is done well it can be very clever but most are not :roll:
  14. Budgies are a good start and can be fun without costing a lot either. Bear in mind at your age you will be going to school then possibly uni, where you may not be able to take a bird with you. If you get a larger, longer-lived bird than a budgie, you might run into problems. Larger parrots bond to their owners.
  15. Never bred them myself but from what I have read, you separate the sexes and feed them up on good quality foods then put them all together, They swim and spawn in a group dropping eggs everywhere. Fish need to then be removed so they don't eat the eggs.
  16. I usually get Grant to bid on my auctions. Too much excitement for me a lot of the time. It depends on how badly I want the item though :lol:
  17. I do not think a raised pond ever looks natural. In nature, a pond forms at the lowest point, not the highest. Just a thought.
  18. By putting the males in one tank and the females in another, or use a tank divider. If you want to tell the boys from the girls, the males are smaller and slimmer. The females get more rounded with eggs.
  19. no. I have them and I love them.
  20. Caryl


    Good tank maintenance, quarantining new fish and keeping the water as good as it can be
  21. What next with what? What size is the tank? How long has it been running?
  22. Caryl

    Oh my lord

    Mine never got particularly nasty and only had a rumble when food was involved :roll:
  23. Yes, it belongs to FishBen or his dad FishMarc 8)
  24. Can be seen here Jacob I have tried to send some to you for your newsletter but your email address bounces. i have tried from my home contacts list and from clicking on your email here, with the same result. Contact me
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