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Everything posted by Caryl

  1. John was an enthusiastic member of the FNZAS from about 1970, becoming a life member in 1996. He gave full heartedly to the federation, and anything else he was involved in. A great man who will be greatly missed
  2. I walk or cycle everywhere. My biggest problems are; 1. people who open their car doors without looking 2. cars coming out of driveways (backwards or forwards) without checking anyone is on the footpath 3. trying to get through roundabouts when idiot car drivers do not indicate correctly :evil:
  3. Caryl


    I'm not aware of any disease problems with earthworms.
  4. Use last 3 then... essence
  5. We have 2 rivers running through the middle of our town. Both are full of it 8)
  6. You visit Livingart when in Tauranga
  7. From ONE News... The change is likely to come into effect before the end of the year in a bid to cut the number of teenagers involved in road accidents.
  8. Caryl

    ph leval

    What do you define as a "pH problem"?
  9. We have an exec meeting tomorrow to discuss this (among other things)
  10. Depends on the size of the fish but usually they look like they are about to burst.
  11. I have never understood why anybody would want to eat them :-? Having travelled extensively in both islands I can say they both have their merits and it is hard to imagine how different they are to each other considering the proximity (I am speaking geographically here). The one thing I love about the North Island is the number and length, of passing lanes! We spent a week exploring the Coromandel a few years ago and loved it there. Am about the spend a week in the lower South Island.
  12. Hmm perhaps I need to visit when I am in Invercargill next week 8)
  13. Why not let her give birth in the tank? If you have plenty of plants the fry will hide. If all survived you need to think about where you would put them. Moving her now would be stressful and they can abort. If you insist on moving her to a breeding net, move the net under her, don't lift her out of the water to get her into the net.
  14. I would use salt, wash the tank out and rinse well.
  15. Anyone else picturing a little goldfish, with a white coat and hard hat, holding a specimen jar??? :roll:
  16. Or hang them by a string so they are not touching anything
  17. I will be bringing a proof to the exec meeting for all to admire. Can't let you actually read it though as that wouldn't be fair.
  18. They should not be noisy if set up correctly.
  19. When my kids were small they had tanks in their rooms and most of the filters were under gravels. Not so they couldn't fiddle with them (as my kids were taught what not to touch at a very early age) but because they were the cheapest option.
  20. Do you have something to offer regarding the filter?
  21. For goodness sakes settle down and stop making it personal. We all have our own opinions based on varying experience. Differing opinions do not necessarily mean one is right and another wrong. Rabbit has his opinion and I have mine. We are probably both correct up to a point and our opinions overlap in a wide middle ground. He (or she) merely asked who told me that and I answered :-? Just because I have probably been keeping fish for more years than he(she) has been alive does not make me more likely to be right or mean he(she) doesn't know what they are talking about. Now, back to the topic please :roll:
  22. We have a community law office that helps with advice for things like this. I would assume Tauranga does also. It is a free service.
  23. Experience. My own filter on the 280L is lucky if it gets cleaned out once a year. The tank has been running for about 15 years now with no problems (apart from a whitespot outbreak caused by a temperature fluctuation). Smaller filters get cleaned out more often as they clog faster.
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