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Everything posted by Caryl

  1. I assume Grant and I are on the list for quiz nite I can't click on the link though.
  2. She hasn't even confirmed if it was indeed her birthday yesterday! Come on Zev, have we congratulated you on the right day? :-? :roll: :lol:
  3. Caryl

    Hi From Nelson

    He is obviously sick :lol: Welcome. I enjoyed my day in Nelson today on the Tasman tank crawl. :bounce:
  4. My apologies if it isn't actually your birthday today but I have the feeling it is :-? Better to be safe than sorry! :bounce:
  5. Yes that will fit. I am in Nelson today so hopefully pufferfishnz sees my PM and contacts me via text. If not, I am sure Grant will be in Nelson before we go so can pick it up. I think he is in Nelson tomorrow actually. :roll:
  6. Don't worry Omaria, we all find Ira embarrassing :lol: :lol:
  7. They released them here too - sterilised. The problem was they ate everything but the stuff they wanted them to eat :lol:
  8. Platys are easy to sex. Here is a female... and here is a male... Note the difference in the fin under the body. It is rounded on the female and long and pointed on the male.
  9. Snails, in small numbers, can be good as they clean up leftovers on the substrate. The problem is when they get out of hand they can produce more waste than they eat :roll:
  10. Leave the snails if you want. They will do no harm but may overbreed, depending on type, and take over the tank.
  11. They will eat finely ground flake food. Just crush it in your fingers. You need to keep up water changes in the container as it will foul quickly.
  12. http://www.stuff.co.nz/national/4215128 ... ing-turtle
  13. For all we know they could be common goldfish but the seller has no idea of differences :-?
  14. There is Mopani iften sold in shops. I guess different species of trees have different flavours so a bit of rimu and another of rata would give variety 8)
  15. Caryl

    Terracotta Pot

    Go to a pottery place, garden centre, or The Warehouse. They often have broken pots and I am sure you could find one broken in a way to suit your needs
  16. Hmmm, I will be in Nelson for their tank crawl on Sunday then passing through Wgtn on the 15th. What size are the cages? They won't fit in an MX5 but we also have an Odyssey if we need something bigger.
  17. Caryl

    Proud of me

    Hmmm, a bit big to fit in the boot of the MX5 then :lol:
  18. Caryl

    Proud of me

    How big is that tank?
  19. Good to hear. I will see you there
  20. Caryl


    Welcome. As I said to crazysane, you need to go on Tasman's Tank Crawl on Sunday 8)
  21. Welcome. You need to go on the Tasman club's Tank Crawl next Sunday
  22. I hope they were good looking firemen though
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