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Everything posted by Caryl

  1. I thought most people raised it further than that as 25C is standard for a tropical tank anyway. The goldfish will cope. You may need to add an airstone if it starts gasping at the surface.
  2. Yes, you will have to move the lotus as it will grow very large and take over! Are you able to move the left side log back further and a little more to the centre? It is hard to tell if it is back as far as it can go. That would make the tank look like it had more depth and possibly hide the filter a bit more. Sprite would certainly grow quickly and be used to cover the heaterstat.
  3. I am not sure a fantail could go fast enough to catch a guppy. A comet certainly could, and would.
  4. The minnows are actually happy in either cold or tropical. I have seen them living happily in both an unheated tank and in one at 25 degrees.
  5. I would have thought so too as it is a colour morph but if you are breeding commons in one tank and goldens in another I think they can be registered as two different breedings. I am not the breeding co-ordinator though
  6. Be aware that just because you can no longer see the spots on the fish it doesn't mean the ich has gone. It has just dropped off the fish. Google for the full life cycle of white spot and you will see what I mean.
  7. 1. If the fish is only there temporarily I doubt the guppy will do lasting damage. 2. They usually heal on their own
  8. Looking at a past breeding register, I see listed; Ancistrus lineolatus - bristlenose and Ancistrus sp. (L144) blackeyed golden ancistrus
  9. Caryl

    The What's Up? thread.

    Been to Quiz Night again and my team The Foxy Morons, won :love:
  10. Caryl

    The What's Up? thread.

    Been at work today and got news one of our patients died overnight &c:ry Had a nice lunch in town and bought some raffle tickets for the local breast cancer society (my mum was selling tickets at one of the supermarkets over the lunch hour) 8)
  11. I work for a GP and he knows I am trying it and I am not on any meds, except painkillers. Still have not found the arnica did any good though &c:ry
  12. I once had a neighbour who had a swimming pool. She had it fully fenced with a childproof gate - her 2 year old could open it with ease. Teach kids to swim!
  13. Caryl


    Do the search I suggested and you will see the identical fish listed as Gambusia on the Washington wildlife dept. website. I see he has changed the picture too.
  14. Caryl


    Do a Google search of images and you will find that exact photo in the Washington Dept of Fish and Wildlife described as Gambusia affinis and an invasive species :roll:
  15. Personally I think if they are going to demand that then all lakes, streams and the sea should be fully fenced as well. In Blenheim all swimming pools have to be fenced but we have 2 rivers running through the middle of the town not to mention a large fountain in one of the parks plus a stream running through another.
  16. http://www.stuff.co.nz/dominion-post/news/5400512/Kapiti-residents-ordered-to-fence-ponds
  17. Something must be irritating them and they are trying to rub it off. I would have thought you would see, if it was velvet, but hard to tell due to their colouring. I imagine it will be hard to anything on them! Google will lead you to many sites with good pic and symptoms charts as well as suggested treatments.
  18. Come on guys, tropicals are not easier than goldfish. The only difference between the two is the need for a heaterstat. Ira has a pathological hatred of goldfish by the way so he is biased. Your tank is too small for goldfish but not for the size they are at the moment. Goldfish in ponds are easier to look after than when they are in an aquarium so you can't really compare pond fish and their care with that of tank fish. As said, it sounds like you have done everything right and remove the carbon from the filter. Your readings may be good now but perhaps they weren't at the beginning and that caused the problems. pH doesn't matter as goldfish will tolerate a very wide range with no ill effects. Ammonia and nitrite should be 0 and nitrate will vary depending on your water source. It should be below 50ppm or preferably below 25ppm but this is not always possible as many have a high nitrate in their tap water.
  19. Do you belong to the Dunedin club? They have knowledgeable goldfish keepers and would be able to give you excellent help and advice.
  20. Caryl

    The What's Up? thread.

    Where's the pics???
  21. I'd stay away from buildings and trees
  22. I don't know enough about the two products to give an opinion. I would not use baking soda either. Too easy to end up with pH swings and it is better to have either too high or too low but consistent pH than one which goes up and down. Nothing wrong with slightly acidic. The plants will love it.
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