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Everything posted by Caryl

  1. For the moment I will lock it but not remove it. I think it is important people see what has been said and done. To remove it would be burying our heads in the sand. I do not see it as the FNZAS condoning animal cruelty and the overwhelming majority of posters disapprove of wee2's actions. I also doubt there will be many who will attempt this themselves as pretty much everyone has said they think it was a terrible thing to do. Please let me know how your fish gets on wee2.
  2. If this turns into a slanging match I will lock and/or remove it. Calm down and stay on topic. Wee2 did what he/she thought needed to be done to save the fish. It was not done to be malicious or cruel. Others may agree or disagree but it was not done without much thought and trying other options.
  3. Caryl

    The What's Up? thread.

    Not quite son in law and not granddaughter came over and washed the outside of my windows for me while their dog raced around in circles - round lawn - into pond- out of pond - round tree - round lawn - into pond - out of pond - round tree etc etc etc. Needless to say, one patch of lilies is not looking as good as it did in the photo taken a few days ago before a certain border collie/labrador? X 6mth old pup leapt in it :roll: I managed to bike into town and back. First time on my bike since injury almost 6 months ago so pleased I can bike again :happy1: Have been carefully washing inside of windows and wiping down a few mould spots on the aluminium frames. Tomorrow will be the start of a couple of baking days as I start preparing for my dad's 80th party on Saturday. :love:
  4. You say you have spent a fortune on medication but nowhere have I seen you mention trying to find a vet and ask professional advice. I see why you have done what you did but it is not an option I would attempt myself. One of our members, a nurse, attempted to remove a growth on her fish's nose that was so large it prevented the fish from eating. She researched many vet manuals and talked to a vet before attempting the procedure. She also anaesthetised the fish before starting surgery. Unfortunately, in her case, the fish still died but she suspects it was because she left it too long before taking such drastic action and the fish was not strong enough to cope.
  5. We have not updated it as we are giving time for people to move, re-settle, and get back into it after the quakes. This takes some longer than others
  6. In time for what??? Or shouldn't I ask?
  7. I too would sell the cabinet separately.
  8. We couldn't stop him! :rotf:
  9. Interesting. I would suspect some sort of debris (but I have no idea what if it isn't food) gets blown there by the filter then grows fluffy as it ages.
  10. She is unwell? Has she got clamped fins or does it just look like that as she was opening and closing them as she swam?
  11. Is it growing on the glass? Does it move? Is it fluffy? :dunno:
  12. Caryl

    The What's Up? thread.

    Wriggle through the oxygen weed and you get a massage at the same time
  13. As our section is over an old river bed, using a digger is not considered cheating
  14. Someone just asked for an update on my pond, in another thread, so I thought it would be good to show you the build from the start. It was followed on here but we have lots of new members since then. Have a look here for the build from the start. There are 6 pages!
  15. Caryl

    The What's Up? thread.

    Someone should have told that boy to sit down! :roll: At least they were all having fun. I have just realised it is my wedding anniversary today so happy anniversary to me. 34th I think :-? One day Grant and I will actually remember it. It is my mum's fault as she usually reminds us but obviously has forgotten it herself :facepalm: Here is the pond as of a few minutes ago... The plants have grown a bit since the beginning eh? Here it is in Nov 2007...
  16. Caryl

    The What's Up? thread.

    Anthony do you make the old fashioned type that are more like a large, flat meringue or the newer, high, soft version found today? I was going to make them but as I am doing all the baking for my dad's 80th, it was going to take up too much time (and egg whites) so bought bulk Sophia I wish you well with those little cuties. Not overdoing it. Having a good day today (bad one yesterday) and only had 2 painkillers at 8.30am. Mowed the lawns (but Grant had to put the battery in and empty the catcher each time) and he did the edges and weeded a bit around the pond. He found a Myriophyllum I thought had died and cleared the pond filter inlet tube again. He has yet to build a mesh covering for it but has bought the materials. We have taken off all the protective, white, frost coverings from the climbers at the end of the pergola. The stupid things like to twine in a big fat mass rather than spread out and grow along the pergola beams like I want them too :an!gry Fed the goldfish, since they were all hanging about seeing what we were up to. They are looking good but no sign of spawning as yet, which is unusual. Usually they have been at it since early November! Lilies are flowering a lot and leaves are now large and green. For the first few years I was concerned as the leaves were small and brown. LOTS of large snails in the pond. If anyone wants some I am sure we can spare a few (thousand) :thup:
  17. Caryl

    The What's Up? thread.

    I was going to then decided it was quicker and easier to buy pav 2nds from the pav n pie shop for $2
  18. Caryl

    The What's Up? thread.

    Got my occlusive dressing removed today and managed to walk 3km! Not quite half the distance I am used to doing daily but it is a start and only 9 days after surgery. I can also bend down (carefully) and pick stuff up off the floor! :happy1: Waiting for the lawn to dry out a bit more so I can mow it. The battery operated mower struggles a bit when it is wet.
  19. Come to my place and swim with mine
  20. I used to buy a lot of books on Trademe but they are all asking for starting prices the same, or higher, than I can buy in my local 2nd hand book shop - and then they ask twice the amount required in freight on top of that! I was introduced to The Book Depository and now buy new books overseas for half the price or Ebay :roll:
  21. I am not sure if I should edit your posts Sophia. This is a family forum and there is a lot of nakedness in your pics Not sure why they sometimes melt and sometimes don't. I have had it happen when I have stripped my tank but other times I have done so they have been fine. :dunno:
  22. Ponds are usually considered cold water, even if they are in tropical countries. As there is no artificial heating required, it is "cold". That is my kind of pond! :love:
  23. Errr what was your address again? :happy2:
  24. I have found BNs either breed like rabbits, or not at all, with no reason I can see for either. I have had some for over 12 years. They never bred for about 5 years then suddenly there were successive broods of fry everywhere for a couple of years then they stopped again. Nothing had changed anywhere they just bred, then stopped again. Patience is the key. They will get into it when ready. Maybe they are still settling in too.
  25. Did they make a female one too? You could breed your own cakes! :happy1:
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