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Everything posted by Caryl

  1. Caryl

    The What's Up? thread.

    I biked to my mum's and back - 6km each way, but stopped for lunch between journeys. I am still not in top gear (or is it bottom?) and not up to speed but the past week is the first time I have been able to ride my bike in 5 months :happy2: The council has put in $70,000 cycle lanes since I was biking last. They only cover about 200m of one road and in a place they are not needed :roll: Went to Nelson to overseas father in law's move to a rest home. He is not a happy chappy to lose his independence at 91 &c:ry Also visited rheumatologist and Grant is on a new drug regime. Here's hoping this one works without the side effects of previous attempts :tears:
  2. Caryl

    The What's Up? thread.

    Congrats McRudds. I went back to work for the first time since surgery. Was only to go for the morning but felt good enough to stay all day. Haven't had any painkillers today either! :happy2: Now full of choccies and cake :roll:
  3. I am one of the "whack it onto concrete" brigade too, if it is not a big fish
  4. Apparently, you can tell a male from a female by the shape of their marking. The male has a straight front edge that is rounded at the bottom. :dunno:
  5. Yeah. Only took a couple of weeks to grow back. He preferred it, as did the majority.
  6. I saw a kitset gingerbread house somewhere (The Warehouse I think). That must be cheating :dunno: I have never tried to make one so don't have any tips sorry.
  7. I leave mine in the pond. It is heavily planted so the majority of fry seem to survive.
  8. Caryl

    hi all!

    Welcome Andy. We have a number of teenaged fish enthusiasts in here. Take note of any tips Adrienne gives you when it comes to breeding fighters
  9. My sister in law's daughter owns a shop in Blenheim called The Chocolate Shop. She specialises in making cakes for all occasions. Here is the one she made for my dad's 80th. The photos on the cake are real photos printed in icing and all of it was edible except the strip of cardboard holding up the hat brim. The photos used were poor quality to begin with... 3 generations. This is the first time, in many years, that all the children and grandchildren have been together.
  10. I wonder if a tart will give you the cold shoulder after being left in the fridge overnight? :slfg:
  11. Rural affairs makes me think of wife swapping farming folk
  12. Can you give us an idea of what may be their equivalent? ie wine biscuits, Krispies, shortbread etc
  13. Because the balls are not found here naturally, they are an illegal import. No telling what may have come in with them. Good to see MAF is on the ball.
  14. The top of the tail looks fine, it is just the middle bit. There are no red streaks either so I suspect damage more than fin rot. Excellent water quality is the answer. I am a little intrigued you have 0 nitrites AND nitrates. There ought to be some nitrates in an established tank as the tap water will have them. Goldfish are poo machines and produce a lot of waste. A combination of different types of filtration is best as they can disturb the substrate and cause a lot of floating matter in the water column. An external plus the HOB is good. You will find you have to clear the sponge regularly though as it will clog quickly.
  15. As said, I wouldn't worry at this stage and suspect she is full of eggs.
  16. This happens sometimes. It may retract by itself or it may not. In a larger fish I would suggest trying to catch it and push back the offending bit but not sure if this is possible in a neon!
  17. Torches? What are those? We used candles
  18. As said, it could just be full of eggs at the moment. If she does not expel them (nice caviar for the fish) they should get absorbed. If she is otherwise behaving and eating normally I would not worry yet.
  19. My husband says the iphone is a very clever device but as a phone it has problems. If you are in a low signal area you will suffer from drop outs and dropped calls. You might find it will work ok outside but when you go inside the workplace or house then you might have these problems. The iphone has poor sensitivity and so needs a stronger signal for reliable calls compared to most other phones. It doesn't matter if it's on the Telecom, 2 degrees or Vodafone networks, it will have these problems. Because of the aerial design on the iphone, it is affected by the way you hold the phone. Other phones are affected also but to a much smaller degree. He knows this because he gets called to look into call quality problems for one of the cell phone networks. The problem is almost always found to be much worse where the users have iphones. He went to one last week where the business had bought iphones for their staff and could not understand why the only person not having problems was the manager who also had a Nokia flip phone. It never dropped out and that's why he used it when in the office.
  20. He gave you good information to start with. As said, your common plecs are actually bristlenose catfish Ancistrus sp. The fish usually referred to as a common plec is Hypostomus plecostomus sp. hence the confusion.
  21. Check with the recycling centre Joe. I think they have a bin for light bulbs.
  22. Caryl

    The What's Up? thread.

    Had 2 eldest not-grandchildren with me today. We were baking for my dad's 80th birthday party on the weekend. I am running out of cake tins! Did double lots of peanut brownies, Milo biscuits, ANZAC biscuits, afghan biscuits, shortbread and 2 sultana cakes. Tomorrow we do the rest of the cakes and slices - fudge cake, Louise cake, tea loaf and something else I can't think of offhand. Friday I will do cupcakes, sponges and wok's chocolate cake recipe. The kids also set up and decorated the Christmas tree.
  23. Don't look on it as being rude or nasty, it is an ongoing effort to encourage hobbyists to use the correct terminology and you are just one of many in a long line of people referring to egg laying fish as "pregnant" so the answers have got shorter over time
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