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Everything posted by Caryl

  1. I think your only chance would be Java fern and it will still get pretty nibbled, chewed and battered looking.
  2. Detritus on the substrate is not necessarily a bad thing, except when it is long strings of plec poo and looks aesthetically unappealing. The plants create stuff and feed off it. It pays to leave it around the plant roots.
  3. Caryl

    The What's Up? thread.

    I finished my jigsaw last night! It has taken months due to not being able to work on it for ages.
  4. I know it is not a sickness but it does cause various body functions to break down.
  5. Acne? :lol: One small spot I would not worry about. It could be a raised scale if he has bumped against something, or slight damage when caught. White spot looks like the fish has been sprinkled in salt. It could be the start of something bigger - like a tumour or something.
  6. At 28, is it possible she is suffering from old age?
  7. Fin rot can be found in cold or tropical fish and blood streaks can be seen in the fin rays.
  8. Do you belong to the Waikato Aquarium Society too?
  9. I never seemed to have many get eaten but perhaps I just didn't notice :dunno: Males are smaller, slimmer and spottier
  10. Do these snails live only in water or do they move onto land at times? I need to collect all these snails a day or 2 ahead of getting them to Donna, plus their time in a small container, and am worried about them either polluting the water (so many in such a small amount) or climbing out - will search for a container with the tight fitting lid.
  11. Good to see also that they want it to go to someone who realises it needs a large tank! :thup:
  12. Caryl

    The What's Up? thread.

    Not outside on a beautiful day like today? Or is it raining again up there Biked into town and had lunch with friends.
  13. Caryl

    The What's Up? thread.

    I can recommend the chicken salad I mentioned having made in an above post. It was delicious! I must confess, it said "Yield 6" but Grant and I had a half each :oops: I do not recommend walking on the concrete driveway outside when it is 30C :facepalm:
  14. My dad likes black sanding on the west coast. Has got quite a bit over the years.
  15. Really? They are huge pond snails. We head to ChCh on the 18th to see the surgeon so can bring back as many as you want. I assume that would be as many as we can catch?? :sml2:
  16. OK native keepers. How about some articles for the Aquarium World on how you set up your tanks and caught the inhabitants??? Hmm? Pretty please?
  17. I am looking for some marine content for the Aquarium World magazine. Anyone willing to write something for me? It does not need to be long or fancy. People like to hear (and see - clear, in focus, pics are always good) about how others set up their tank, or how they built something along with anything else marine you like to write about. Even if you would like to do something about a specific marine fish or coral or any other marine inhabitant, it would be appreciated. Do not worry of you can't spell, or your grammar is not the best, that is what an editor is for Perhaps you have had a problem you managed to solve. Let us know what it was, what caused it, and how you fixed it. This can help others who may have the same problem. Maybe you specifically grow live food. What and how? Or what sort of fish do you have and what sort of food do you prefer to feed them and why? The possibilities are endless. Remember the magazine is FOR hobbyists, BY hobbyists so no need to feel "oh I couldn't do that!" Even if it is a step by step pictorial only with a brief explanation of what each pic is about, would be good. :bounce: All FNZAS members get this magazine free. Anyone else who has their item published also gets a free copy and the opportunity to tell people they are a published author as we are a registered magazine with an ISSN and copies go to the Hocken library (as well as overseas). :happy2:
  18. I am wondering if the snails haven't eaten my goldfish eggs and/or fry this year. I never actually saw the fish spawn though and we usually do. Perhaps I will get the not-grandkids over to go wading and snail eradicating :thup:
  19. I didn't want to put them off I start demanding gently :rotf:
  20. Caryl

    The What's Up? thread.

    I have made this for tea. It smells good so I hope it tastes as good. :happy2:
  21. Look for one of her posts (she posts often), especially in the labyrinth section and email her (she loses PMs)
  22. Caryl

    The What's Up? thread.

    I will be able to tell you soon as we ordered something yesterday but I know others have already dealt with them so can answer you more quickly 8) I am considering fostering from the SPCA.
  23. You realise we expect photos don't you? :happy2:
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