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Everything posted by diver21

  1. i think the red tail and the Chinese algie eater fighting is a common thing, i had the same thing with my two but it was more of an even match and no damage was done so i left them to it. all ive seen online is that the red tail is a good community fish aslong as there isnt another red tail or rainbow in there. and my red tails havnt botherd anyone except the CAE
  2. http://www.aquariumlife.net/diy. is this what your after?
  3. the brown on the bottom was another set of boards that made just to spread the weight. the bricks i used whernt that rough, looked like these: http://www.reallyreallygoodthings.com/s ... ckPile.jpg as you can see i didnt have the rough edges problem and i stacked them so you couldnt see the holes. i also had a bed sheet draped over the whole thing under the polystyrene to hide all the fish stuff under there.
  4. gotta ask where ya got the picture from
  5. my mother has my old tank and stand now ant it was 1.5m long sitting on 3 stacks of cinderblocks, each one 3 high for a "normal" looking height. its also got a shelf in it that only runs half way along the tank, the wood was quite thick (20mm i think) pine in all the brown bits and i didnt use glue at all. her house is raised and recently the tank survived having a van roll into the frount of it which shook the whole house.
  6. you got a pic there nycnlo
  7. verry easily, i know of some people who only feed their fish once a week with healthy fish, all full grown though.
  8. how did you find the father with fry method david? work for you?
  9. someone on here did do the father with fry method and reported that the fry grew faster and healthier with their father than without and they recommended it. can rember who it was though. and the father did all the culling
  10. well having 50 odd heaters in 50 tanks will defenatly heat the whole room! ive got 6 tanks with heaters in one of my rooms and the air in there is allways alot warmer than the rest of the house (great place in the morning). if the rooms insulated enough the aquarium heaters will all heat the room and other tanks and containers in the room, take amazonians fish room for example!
  11. (from gboyds post) i was looking into building one of these but beanie baby boxes seem hard to some by or are really expencive for what they are. I still plan on building one similar to the one in the above link but quite a bit smaller, and instead of the beany baby boxes i was thinking more along the lines of the jimbo's petfood containers, bigger space for the fish. and i have talked to a few shop keepers about the aqua one tanks and they all say that it gets really green really quick
  12. if its only short term cut the top off a 2.25 coke bottle and stab some holes in it around the sides, knife will do but a hot needle works better (but takes longer) and put two opposite each other at the top. thread the top two with string and tie to something like the light hood or cross bracing etc...
  13. hey DAuckland, what an awsome place to visit, did you get a good look into how the tanks where run? like where they all connected together with a large sump or did each tank have its own filtration setup?
  14. not shure about if you have to peal the pea but i allways do, its not hard, just defrost it under warm water and give it a squeese, i normally break it up a little in the tank to make it easier for them
  15. physically all i can see that could be wrong with her is that her shells dark, but its mre like a little bit of algie
  16. tried the beefheart and she had just one small cube... ive been reading that theyre ment to be omnivores, but what vegies do you feed them?
  17. well tanks at 26 deg. it is heated with a 50w jebo. im tempted to put a platty in there to see if she will go for live food. i did put some waterboatmen in there about 3 weeks ago and she ate them all, think that might of upset her?
  18. are these guys yours david?
  19. havnt tried the oxheart yet as the GF fed it all to the cats... no shes inside and next to the window so she gets some natural sunlight but the window is only open when its warm. sadly shes only in a 2footer at the monment but do have a 4footer for her in auckland when i get back up there and 2 months. will take a water temp reading when i get home and do another tomorrow morning to see if it drops alot overnite. i dont leave a thermometer in there as shell break it.
  20. yea alot of people, even both of my grandmothers have one
  21. well as the title says my red eared has decided to stop eating. tried a few diffent foods, shrimp, fish, chicken, not going for it at all, she checks it out but wont eat it. shes still active too so cant be hibernating or about to is she? its been about 4-5 days now
  22. from what i can understand infrosia is green water (could be wrong) heard the best way is to put a lettice leaf in a jar and leave it in the sun, but it takes a few weeks, but personally ive got my turtle tank next to a window and her tank greens up within a few days
  23. anyone can cut aliminum, just need a hacksaw.
  24. shouldnt be a trouble breeding in a planted tank, just with leaving them in there to grow up all depends on how many you get in the spawn. could leave the male in there the entire time so he can cull the weak ones for you
  25. diver21

    some pics

    got me thinking david. dodge, have you seen wriglers from the green boy, could be infertile and eating all of them becouse theyre not fertalised
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