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Everything posted by Ira

  1. Someone in another thread managed to find an importer willing to do it with guppies. Expect to pay about $5000, maybe more.
  2. Wow, really interested clearly. :slfg: It's easy to do. Light wattage times hours on per month + heater wattage times hours on per month+Filters etc wattage times hours per month=watt hours per month. One thousand watt hours=1 kilowatt hour so divide by 1000. Kilowatt hours times KW hour price=monthly bill.
  3. Big enough. That's a full grown common plec on its head. I haven't had them out to measure, but when they're up against the glass the redspot is about 450mm plus a bit of tail, the goldspot is quite a bit smaller, say 300mm.
  4. My red and goldspot don't really fight that often. They're in a 1200X600X600. Pretty cramped for them, but they seem to manage.
  5. Turning the heaters up higher would be a pretty poor way of doing it. The best way is to have as much flow as possible over the heaters. You want the temperature of the water inside the heater chamber as close as possible to the overall tank temp. The lower the flow the further away it it can get. Problem is trying to put something that works best with high flow in series with something that works best with low(Or at least lower) flow For the CO2, ideally you could put some kind of spiral to give the CO2 more contact time. I'm not sure how could do it easily with what you have though. Maybe if you want to stay with the PVC pipe you have just run it through a long coil of hose inside.
  6. Why would you intentionally cross a beautiful fish with an ugly fish? At best you're likely to get fry that aren't quite as ugly. :slfg:
  7. Are you wanting it to have more flow velocity or more flow volume? They produce a very wide slow flow, rather than a tiny narrow high velocity. If you're wanting it to blow debris off the sand you might be better off moving the 750lph right next to the sand.
  8. And it also clearly says at the beginning, "No animals were harmed in the making of this video."
  9. Yeah, CGI or replaced with a small piece of reddish/gold plastic. You could see it stick to the side of the bowl out of the water a few times. And anyway, this goldfish does this for a living, he's a stunt goldfish. He knows what he's doing.
  10. It takes a lot of heat to melt a coke bottle. Over boiling at least. Go pour boiling water in one. They shrink.
  11. I've put the coke bottle in a bucket and the heater in that. But I don't see any obvious reason you can't put the heater straight in.
  12. Nope, I use an if else function. IF (Can think of possibly amusing response=1) THEN Make humorous post ELSE IF (Have something valuable to add=1) THEN Make helpful post ELSE Ignore END IF
  13. Be very minimal if it's an old tank, I think a lot of them are painted with something like pond paint on the inside anyway.
  14. I just put a couple handfuls of coral/oyster grit in the filter which kept it about neutral. Though, I haven't checked the PH in 4-5 years.
  15. Updated from a previous thread... Step 1: Look at driftwood. Step 2: Identify if driftwood is driftwood or not. Step 3: If driftwood is wood go to step 4a, if driftwood is rock go to step 4b Step 4a: Identify if driftwood is clean or not, If dirty go to step to step 5, if clean go to step 6 Step 4b: Identify if rock is clean or not, If dirty go to step to step 5, if clean go to step 6 Step 5: Wash it. Step 6: Put in tank.
  16. Wow, that's a lot of eggs. Funny that they're prettier on the inside. Not surprising you couldn't really see anything from the lump. It doesn't look freakishly large. Maybe just some local swelling in response to something around the spine? Be hard to see once everything's dislocated and rearranged.
  17. Ira

    growth rate

    More food+ more waterchanges(Or more volume)=more growth.
  18. I still haven't been able to find anything saying they're illegal other than claims here and on Fishkeepers. Biosecurity.co.nz has nothing related to salamanders other than one little reference to a disease in texas salamanders. Nothing for Ambystoma, axolotl or mexican walking fish. No hits googling either for anything in reference to them being banned.
  19. Some aren't that delicate. My parrot once tore a piece off my sister in law's lip and calmly ate it in front of her. She doesn't like women much.
  20. They're called bugs, and yes. They're some kind of beetle larvae, you'd probably need to let them change into beetles to ID them more accurately. Not important, toss them in the tank.
  21. Here's an ooold little article about MAF siezing some: http://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/news/article.cfm?c_id=1&objectid=10124701
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