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Everything posted by Ira

  1. Definitely worth fixing it rather than just smashing it and buying a new one. His prices are usually pretty good though, been years but I think his prices worked out to something like 1-2$/liter?
  2. I don't think there are any test kits commonly available that will show you levels of zinc toxicity. Are the sticks just plain wood? Shouldn't make your PH increase.
  3. Zayne has called a big one!
  4. I wouldn't worry about it. It's not long term.
  5. They work well. :sml2: On my marine mine was flowing way over the ideal amount for 20mm(iirc) pipe so it was pretty noisy, Still managing somewhere around 4000LPH though. Most of the noise was whistling from the little hole you drill in the top to let air in to tune it. More flow through smaller pipes=more air sucking through it. If you make yours with bigger pipe it should flow more water and be quieter.
  6. Ira

    In-Line Pump

    Don't know, I've never seen one get hot enough to fail.
  7. Ira

    In-Line Pump

    Ignoring that you've discovered it's broken...You could just connect a hose to the outlet and inlet(sucking from a bucket) then put it outside to run if you're worried. It will get as hot as it's going to get after a couple hours.
  8. Ira

    In-Line Pump

    Just plumb it up and run it, if it has the fittings. The only reasons it couldn't be inline and not submerged are if it leaks or it overheats. Overheating is unlikely, it still would have a lot of water running through it, so maybe it would leak? As far as the impeller or any possible extra wear goes the impeller wouldn't have a clue if it's submerged or not as long as there's water at the intake and water at the outlet. Only way to find out is to try it.
  9. If you're just straining it through a filter and pouring the water back in then you can do as big as you like since it's not really a water change. Maybe limit it to like 90% of the water removed at a time so the fish aren't flopping around on the gravel.
  10. I was meaning gladwrap and silicone INSIDE. Putting it on the outside won't do any good, the water will just push it off the leak. Sounds like it's getting past time to give up on patching. Throw everything in the bathtub. Make sure it's plugged well...Bonus is it'll be really easy to do water changes.
  11. I had about 500 in a 100 liter tank and currently (Last time I could count them) about 25-30 in a 450. I don't think you're overcrowding them too much. And the males almost never hurt each other, they're not really even fighting. They'll be more posturing. Puff out their cheek spikes and try to push the other guy around.
  12. I think if you have some silicone it would be better than glad wrap. It's fluid enough to if you use a big glob it will get sucked into and through the leak a little and clog it until it sets. But maybe even better is a big glob and then surround it with glad wrap?
  13. You can get pumps that will run the water through a filter sock to collect debris. But then....Why? You can never do too many water changes unless you're brackish, marine or for whatever reason the replacement water is expensive
  14. There's no real good reason for not drinking from the hot tap. There are old wives tales about the hot water dissolving more minerals and giving you heavy metal poisoning but the amounts are harmlessly small. Denature it how? Make it less...Water? That takes roughly 3000°C Might offgas some chlorine, but otherwise you're just wasting huge amounts of electricity.
  15. In your case and that small a water change I wouldn't bother. You'd only drop the temp like 2 degrees. They'll be fine. I use a mixer to mix the hot and cold water from the tap. I've measured my cold at 8° over winter and usually do 50% water changes. So that would probably cool mine down to about 16°
  16. If all else fails: http://tinyurl.com/99sqopw
  17. I think their rating is in a nice toasty room giving only a few degrees temp differential. Not 10+ like would be common in most poorly insulated and heated NZ houses. I find a 300 w heater is marginal for a 450. Depending on the dimensions a 1000 would have twice or a bit less surface area so a pair of 300w ones would be marginal to ok. So I'd throw another in for insurance.
  18. So you can lose heat to the outside before it heats the water? Might work fine as the base glass so you'll have it well insulated by the stand and styrofoam under the tank. Either way at best it won't be any more efficient than a normal heater which, like all resistive heaters, is 100% efficient.
  19. It looks like the valve itself has shifted a little to the right. Just push it back. It's only a cylinder with a couple holes drilled through it.
  20. No sand, as far as I can tell. It was the pump in wifey's little pond. Maybe tomorrow I'll see about a replacement.
  21. Yup. :dead%fish <--There's your reward. I thought it was a bit funny how it had worn.
  22. Nope. About 70mm long and about 2mm diameter at the base. I'd have to go find a ruler to be more precise and I can't be bothered.
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