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Everything posted by Ira

  1. It's a male? Females are better, that way you've got everything you need for a cheeseburger except the buns.
  2. It would be 100% efficient, just like any resistive heater. All the electricity put into it ends up as heat including any noise from pumps and lighting. Of course it would only be a few hundred watts unless you're talking a big well lit reef. You can't really quantify the value of it being nice to look at, but surely that would make it better than something like an oil column heater of the same output.
  3. Actually, that's probably a femto tank. Pico tanks are usually around 5-10 liters. That tank is 1000th of that and Femto is 1000th of pico.
  4. I'd have thought an icecream container was about the standard size.
  5. Aggression is irrelevant if it's just going in a spare tank alone.
  6. Hmm, I'm sure I've seen distilled at some point, but you're probably right, maybe most of what I'm thinking of is "Still" rather than "Distilled"
  7. Ira

    In-Line Pump

    I hate it when my filter gets ho air in it... Wait... Why're you quoting me saying that in your sig? :slfg:
  8. A lot of bottled water claims to be distilled. Check the labels, and try one. Might be pure enough.
  9. I believe they've been crossbred with coldwater guppies... :slfg:
  10. Superglue, kneadit, silicone without antifungals, most epoxies, PVC solvent for plumbing.
  11. Definitely favorite is greys or galahs. Eclectus are pretty stunning though. AND NO :sage: SULPHUR CRESTEDS!
  12. About $5 for the lot. They're africans...
  13. Given the shape of that you probably could sink it in a kiddy paddling pool or something. The majority of the mass is pretty low down.
  14. Yeah, they're one of my favorite fish, along with severums.
  15. You can also rent bottles, then you don't have to worry about any safety testing. I don't know what options on sizes there are though. My father in law rented a massive 3 foot tall one for $10/month I think.
  16. A distinction that is only of value in internet arguments.
  17. Probably because you need to disassemble 6 year olds to fit them in the 50L tubs.
  18. I do think though that a 1200X600X600 is a nice size tank. It's not particularly big, but it's big enough to give you a good amount of space to play while just starting to edge into big enough to start being more inconvenient to maintain. . You can't really get your hands down into the back bottom of the tank(Or at least I can't and I'd say I'm about average), but the rest isn't bad. Smaller you start sacrifice flexibility, bigger starts to be a bit more of a mission to plant, aquascape etc I'd make a guess the 450 Pippin mentions is similar dimensions? There are 1800X600X600 which are basically the same, just use up more wall space. They'll be good too.
  19. Jack dempseys, discus, firemouths, festivums, Surinamensis/altifrons, green terrors, red terrors, brasiliensis, jaguars, chocolates, lots of others I can't think of at the moment.
  20. SA, definitely. Much nicer size, not usually as aggressive as Africans. Don't prefer really high PH which limits any plants or other fish you can have in the tank. SA have more variety of sizes and body shapes. Africans are all the same fish with a different paintjob. Optimum tank size is always the biggest you can get.
  21. I have to say, the content of this thread disappoints me. I was expecting something about recarpeting WITH fish tanks.
  22. Well, that's big enough he might be able to get the bottom half of the driftwood wet...
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