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Everything posted by Ira

  1. They're not hunters, they're vandals.
  2. Would it be inappropriate to suggest their heads on a pike near the pond as a warning to anyone else that might try the same thing?
  3. Ira

    LED Moonlights

    Batteries do not provide a load. In this case the load is the LEDs.
  4. Ira

    LED Moonlights

    Yes. And that 400ma and 350ma has little relevance to the amount of current it is delivering at any moment. If it worked that way then the instant you open your car door then your dome light would have the car battery force 500 amps at 12 volts through it. Which would result in it exploding and probably killing everyone nearby. Current draw is dependent on the item being powered, not the maximum amount the wall wart can supply.
  5. And then there's earthquakes. An earthquake with a peak ground acceleration of 2 Gs laterally(About chch quake sized) would effectively drop the safety factor of any tank by 2. So anything under 3 would drop to under 1. Assuming nothing else broke or slipped. But that's pretty significant.
  6. Is there any reason to limit it to 1.2m deep? 3x3 footprint would be cool, just set up a pulley system above the tank you could use to swing yourself over it...
  7. Ira

    LED Moonlights

    Yeah, but the voltage would probably have dropped down to or below the rated voltage if it was drawing 500ma. The max of the charger was probably 300-500, likely less.
  8. Ira

    LED Moonlights

    What voltage was the charger actually producing? If it's unregulated and a low current it was probably over 5v.
  9. Think something like this painted with ash and crushed bugs on the wall of a cave.
  10. Ira

    LED Moonlights

    Should be pretty easy to wire them up to a wall wart power supply. If they're 3 AAAs a 4.5 volt wall wart should be the right voltage. A handful of wires and some soldering and you don't have to worry about batteries.
  11. No pics, it was millennia go before digital cameras. I was a teenager.
  12. How big do they get? I've caught a flounder before...But it was a meter or so long and 60 kg isn't exactly suitable for even a Henward sized tank.
  13. What's the price difference? We're only talking enough water to fill the average house 20mm deep.
  14. I'd say 2.5 should be heaps. More than most tanks anyway. And a tank that size even if someone comes walking up and starts banging on it and hitting it intentionally that's going to be a relatively small force.
  15. Sure it's not a wild(Or I guess feral) turtle?
  16. If you're worried about scratching on the inside why not put a thin, non load bearing pane of glass on the inside against the acrylic?
  17. And the pet shop's goal with the tanks isn't to make nice pretty displays that the fish will be health and breed in, grow nice and big over their long happy lives. It's to get the fish, sell them and get them out of the tank. Anything in the tank gets in the way of catching them, gives the fish something to hide behind so people can't see them.
  18. I'd be surprised if a 144 watt fixture was massively brighter than a 165. Small differences in efficiency and reflectors will make a little difference, but color temps will make a huge difference.
  19. Ira


    Many consider having a period to be a rite of passage for girls.
  20. Leopardfish are basically your only real option for coldwater.
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