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Everything posted by Ira

  1. Nope, Gmail is anonymous. It's an antiquated limitation, imo given that a huge proportion of people do not use email addresses supplied by their ISP.
  2. Not so obvious given the frequency of people selling Stream Guppies that they caught from a local stream...
  3. Ira

    Water chemistry

    I tend to go with the regular water changes and a good filtration method and just let the tank settle how it wants. Thought, I do have coral and bird grit in the filters because I'm on rainwater. I usually test every...Ummm...Well I threw away a test kit months ago that had expired in 2008 and I don't think I'd used it for a year or two before that.
  4. You have to have a very good lid for that type of livestock. They tend to try and jump out when you fill the tank up.
  5. Sounds about right. According to the instructions "Each 5 g/80 L will raise magnesium by about 5 mg/L. " So that's 19g/300 liters will raise the magnesium by 5ppm. I'm getting that you'll need 1.52 kg, not 1.25. Magnesium sulfate is a common alternative. AKA epsom salts. It's relatively cheap.
  6. Accident or medical misadventure. Both of which means their treatment should be covered by ACC.
  7. Which taste like chicken.
  8. http://yellow.co.nz/yellow+pages/landscaping/auckland
  9. I don't see any butt. That's the wrong end.
  10. Congrats on the three way. Wait, what are we talking about?
  11. "Depends how it's cooked" really covers almost all meats. If it's not prepared right, uses seasonings you don't like then you won't like it. I had musk ox burgers once that I didn't like. But I think it was probably the way it was seasoned. And I was a kid, since then I think I've come to like more strongly flavored food.
  12. Aunt hunts mountain lions occasionally. Made sausages out of them. Tasty, tasted like...Sausage.
  13. Those are the ones you're supposed to eat(Young ones anyway), older ones are supposed to be too tough. Dunno, I'd try them too. I've had all the normal non standard ones I think, deer, kangaroo, ostrich. Also had moose, musk ox and mountain lion. All were good.
  14. Ira

    German Blue Rams

    Very nice rams, Barnacle.
  15. Not really, same pressure as the water, but that will only the same as the outside air at the surface of the tank. About half a PSI per foot, atmospheric pressure is roughly 14 PSI. So, roughly 1 PSI at the bottom of a 2 foot/600mm tank. So, yeah less than 10%, not really significant.
  16. I dunno, I think it's Phoenix 44.
  17. Oh, Black sharks. I thought the name sounded familiar. Yeah, they're around, I think there are 2 fish stores in Wellington with them recently. I had one that was probably bigger than 20CM. He was good until about that size then he killed my Polypterus, my green severum, gold severum, a few other fish. :an!gry Gave him to someone else with a bigger tank with bigger fish and he started attacking theirs, they sold him to a pet shop after a few days and last I heard he's out in Wainui in a tank on his own IIRC. Big beautiful fish though.
  18. Maybe the guy just had really bad spelling and wanted to join the military and be a colon-el?
  19. Ah, ok I see what you're saying. No, wouldn't work, would only work if you could have the inlet and outlet at the same height.
  20. So far you are one of 3 New Zealand born kiwis born outside of New Zealand.
  21. Seems like it'd be easier to just put a U at both ends.
  22. Gas exchange would probably be a significant issue.
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