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Everything posted by Ira

  1. 40 million, they need to evolve lungs first.
  2. Fish are extremely susceptible to lung cancer from secondhand smoke...
  3. Most likely. Unless they mean with a richer language. Like french or something.
  4. That depends. Are you talking about replacing the language with another(The first option) or using different words from the same language(The second option)?
  5. For one it's a hell of a lot easier to slowly mix tank water into the bag while it's floating than after dumping the bag into the tank...
  6. Good boy, you're learning well. :thup:
  7. Nope, they're pretty delicate. I've heard rumors they used to be tough decades ago, but I doubt it, I think they've just always been cheap. Cheap enough to replace=hardy.
  8. Nasty fish like severum? They're usually very docile in my experience. They'd get pushed around by blue rams weighing about 1/100th as much.
  9. Leathery with lumps of silicone.
  10. Yes. Use email instead.
  11. How big is he? There are flea treatments for puppies, I think the guideline is 2kg and 6 weeks old, iirc.
  12. Yeah, just like registration is mandatory. And warrants are mandatory and ...Oops, wait...
  13. Ira

    Auto shutoff

    I'd also rather watch the tank while it's filling. That's the direct cause of the many overflows over the years when I stop paying attention. Protip: Don't play video games while the tank is filling.
  14. I'm not sure why you need a space behind the tank if all the plumbing is running through the wall? I thinking, how much is the price difference between the bit bigger and 15mm and the 12mm? This tank would, hopefully, be in operation for 5-10 years and you're probably talking a running cost of $50-100/month. So we're talking up to $12,000 just to keep the lights on. What's an extra bit of money to begin with? Might as well go for as big and nice as possible to squeeze everything you can out of that running cost.
  15. Looks like the euro bracing is barely better than just center bracing. 1.7 minimum safety factor vs 1.8 for euro. I'd be curious to see what it looks like with no brace at all.
  16. I'm pretty sure mine is that bad after a few weeks too.
  17. Ira


    Anti-semanticism is suspicion of, hatred toward, or discrimination against spelling for reasons connected to their grammar.
  18. Ira

    pH problem

    All gravel means is that it was relatively large pieces, says nothing about what it's made of. Yeah, bird grit is crushed oyster. And it, being mostly calcium, will tend to raise your PH and add a bit of buffering.
  19. Ira

    pH problem

    Your old sand might have been helping buffer the PH a little. Your fish, any driftwood, food, etc all will be lowering the PH. Most metabolical wastes are acidic. If you're on tank water you will have practically no buffering. Throw a handful or two of bird grit or crushed coral in the filter and it should help.
  20. I'd say even a 60X60cm tank is getting a bit big for easy maintenance. Mine I can barely reach the gravel at the front and can reach to about halfway down the back glass. Everything between those two points I haven't touch. Makes it harder to plant things, arrange rocks, etc.
  21. Well, if you're leaning into the pane then you're decreasing the strain.
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