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Everything posted by Ira

  1. Ira

    Fluval FX5

    Like I said, try it without the filter wool. Also I'm still not sure what the pellets you say you have are, I found the ones that are a really irregular lumps seem to catch gunk and build up into a cloggy mass....Let me google... Ah, like these:
  2. Because if the world ends in 6 days it won't matter if you've wasted your time fixing it. Unless it's because of zombies then you might need a working car to escape.
  3. If you're looking for about 4000lph a CF2400 won't get close to that even in ideal situations, and certainly not running at a meter or so head like you want. You'll probably be under 1000lph.
  4. Ira

    Fluval FX5

    First thought: Open it up, take out the filter wool, reassemble, see if it's flowing well again. Also make sure the filter wool isn't being sucked up against the intake to the impeller housing. That will make it clog up REALLY quick.
  5. Exactly my point. Lower flow=longer exposure=higher kill rate. That's why I'm saying, lower flow isn't going to make it less effective.
  6. Your awesomeness is matched only by your humbleness.
  7. Lower flow is not going to decrease the kill rate. Possibly the bulb might overheat, but I doubt that.
  8. Doubt it, I haven't noticed any real fumes coming off any of the 2 part epoxies I've used. And there's no aromatic solvents involved.
  9. Most epoxies are also non toxic once cured. Once knew a guy that "fixed" his teeth with some of that white porcelain epoxy because he didn't want to pay for a dentist. He wasn't dead and seemed fine, at least nothing that wasn't pre-existing anyway.
  10. Here you go, from the wikipedia article are the latin names and synonyms. Discognathus crenulatus Discognathus lamta Discognathus obtusus Discognathus rufus Garra lamta Garra rufa crenulata Garra rufa gymnothorax Garra rufus They look similar to the various non-pleco "Algae Eaters" but I don't recognize any of those names.
  11. No. Superglue works fine. The gel type is usually better though given the usually uneven attachment area. It's much thicker and stays where it's put rather than running everywhere and only sticking a few tiny points together.
  12. Ira

    power outage

    After. They were perfectly fine when the power came back on something like 2am, I checked everything was running and went back to bed. They were dead when I got up about 5-6am.
  13. Ira

    What are these?

    In which case you poke it quickly.
  14. Ira

    What are these?

    Same way any bubbles form. And it's possible they were just floating around the tank and then got stuck to the filter. Poke them. If they detach, float to the surface and pop, they're bubbles. Not exactly rocket science.
  15. Not ideal for schooling fish, but kribs and rams are not schooling.
  16. Either a tear in the diaphragm or in a valve.
  17. Ira

    What are these?

    :slfg: I think they're bubbles.
  18. Noone has because there are none. They're not a legal import.
  19. Ira

    Beef Heart Recipes

    Don't worry, I'm sure even if they knew they'd still it
  20. Cubic meters would be the real question. Let's see 1 meter radius from the base is an area of 3.14159 square meters, to a depth of 1 meter so roughly 3 cubic meters of root ball weighing roughly 1800 kg. :slfg: OK, probably get away with much smaller than that.
  21. Ira

    power outage

    I used to do the same. No problems having them off for up to 12 hours a few times, a few weeks later left it during a 5ish hour power outage and get up in the morning a couple hours after the power came back on to find 3/4 of the fish dead. Now I unplug the filters after an hour and then give them a quick rinse after the power comes back. No deaths at all yet.
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