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Everything posted by Ira

  1. I've never had a problem with running out of water with water changes, spa(More water changes) and running irrigation on the garden in addition to the usual showers etc. We did come really close to running out one summer when the hose kept blowing off the pump and dumped most of the tank a couple times.
  2. I'm not taking any pics of my $%#%$# you pervert. :an!gry :slfg:
  3. Google Devil's Ivy. Reasonably common houseplant, I'd imagine a garden center should be able to get one for you. Interesting they'd use that though, because a lot of links say it's toxic to pets. Probably "If you or your pet eats 10 plants it will get nauseous." type poisonous.
  4. Well, if we're going to post driftwood bucket pics... About 5 minutes ago Camera doesn't take nearly as good of pictures after being crushed by a digger...
  5. Comes with a free copy of Crocodile Dundee.
  6. Leave the CO2 on overnight and check it a few times to see what happens? Or start it back up an hour or two earlier?
  7. I don't think anything is making it rise. Your CO2 is making it drop. Turn off CO2 injection, concentration drops, PH returns to natural level.
  8. Yup, it would. But I doubt you have a convenient 200 foot deep tank or vacuum chamber. In the average tank the pressure difference with depth is small enough it can be ignored.
  9. I believe pine is only bad because it tends to rot fairly quickly and be pretty sappy. No reason otherwise AFAIK.
  10. A rock(Or several) on it, or just let it float around until it sinks.
  11. I don't think I'd try something as permanent as chopping down the impeller. Be really tough to keep it balanced unless you happen to have a magnetic balancer. There's a good chance it won't be too much current, it should be a wide, slow current, so not a problem for anything but weak, useless fish like goldfish, discus, angels, etc. Otherwise, cutting a small bit of plastic and over intake and rubber banding it in place should work ok.
  12. That would depend. What kind of wavemaker have you bought? Kind of like saying, "Hey guys, I bought a fish, what should I feed it?"
  13. You mean, "Don't you dare give me that look." :an!gry
  14. For me it was a little cheaper, if you don't take into account that it's about 3 hours out of the day, $30-40 worth of fuel, only can get water on nice days that there hasn't been rain for a few days on incoming tide when not working usually a weekend nothing more immediate that needs done... For me that ended up with only being able to get water every few months over winter, a bit more frequently over summer.
  15. Ira

    Oxygen shells

    I'm not sure why they're called oxygen shells. They do nothing to oxygenate the water, they're just a lump of calcium carbonate that raises the PH of the water as they dissolve and not much else. Well, other than cost money. Maybe because they sometimes bubble a little bit when you put it in?
  16. Ira

    Free heating?

    Should have clarified, hard enough finding enough time and motivation to fill it. I've got my own trees, brush and grass.
  17. Ira

    Free heating?

    I'm working slowly on filling up a 400L compost bin. Hard finding enough to fill it with after putting it through the mulcher.
  18. Even if it was a cylinder the water would still rotate with it. Eventually the friction with the glass would drag the water around. But I seriously doubt it spins fast enough for it to be an issue.
  19. Reminds me of a story from a guy once. Sent off a transmission well packaged in a wooden crate. After a while and the buyer complaining that it hadn't arrived he got a message, "Could you please come pick up your cardboard box, it's leaking."
  20. Other than them being africans...
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