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  1. :an!gry http://www.stuff.co.nz/the-press/news/7989958/Eel-slaughter-boasted-on-Facebook
  2. I'm still keen... Have my last exam on Monday so free after then to spend all summer thinking fishy thoughts....
  3. Oh and one more for now, out in the snow! (On my friends iPad and tabbed browsing/effectively posting lots of pictures is something i cannot figure out!).
  4. Here is a pic of Elsie, will post some more when I get on the computer at home. @ The_Laura: yes we are quite enjoying rally, doing rally novice at the NDOA this weekend so hopefully we will come home with two qualifying legs. Have you done any other dog sports prior to rally? How is Shih Tzu training going for you? agility is our main sport, I am only really doing obedience until Elsie can get her CDX title and gets enough of a foundation for working trials/tracking... All going well so far, but looking forward to her being old enough to get into the ring for agility and trials (April for agility, and October 2013 for trials!).
  5. It's awesome right! I popped in while on a marine ecology field trip, there are some AMAZING fishies in there!
  6. Hahaha, I have never caught fish, or looked for fish so don't know any good spots (and I don't eat them but that's beside the point LOL). Did have a failed tadpole hunting trip today though, my favourite spot is closed due to rockfall :tears:
  7. I'm keen! I don't fish, or drive so have got nothing to offer but eagerness unfortunately! Am on study break now, so not up to much during the day
  8. Really? I SO want to go fishing!!
  9. Hey all, Joining up to learn more about fish keeping in NZ - so glad to have found this forum, it's a brilliant resource! My summer project is going to be constructing a paludarium, looking forward to getting plenty of advice (especially about what sort of plants to use in a planted tank which I know next to nothing about!). I am studying ecology at Canterbury Uni and am particularly interested in native species, would love to be able to keep some natives in my future paludarium... Oh and am a big cardinal tetra fan too, mostly because they are very pretty! My current pet collection is a cat, a mini lop rabbit and a very active border collie x jack russell that I am super busy training in dog sports with (agility, competitive obedience, rally-o & tracking/working trials!).
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