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Everything posted by Ira

  1. Mine were, iirc, going 35 in a 25 on Ft. Richardson(No signs anywhere I could see so I was going the speed traffic goes) 100 in an 80, on a section of motorway at 10pm that suddenly drops to 80. Going to work after an aquarium club meeting. And 56 in a 50 school zone so double fines. Cause...You know those kids are all over the place at 5am.
  2. I like hygro polysperma and difformis(I think those are the right names) Grow fast and easy. I've never had java fern do much more than sit and do nothing but collect algae and debris while slowly wasting away.
  3. Why? Judging from the fish in there plastic plants look better than dug up stumps.
  4. If you managed to collect enough to send around I'd be tempted to set up a new tank for them.
  5. I've had 3 in 14 years, Not particularly bad I think. Actually, now that I think about it none of them have been in that car.
  6. I don't think it's getting better or worse. I think it's staying at a pretty constant level of meh with the occasional not bad or pretty good balanced out by the pretty bad or really horrible.
  7. Every claim of seeing them in NZ, at least from all the previous threads about triops seem to boil down to variations of "When I was a kid I think I saw some in a pond once." And "I've heard they used to be in XXXXX"
  8. No need to look it up, just convert it in your head. Subtract 32, multiply by 5 and divide by 9. Or the slow way plug "78f in c" into google.
  9. That sounds interesting, what are you studying, and what will be happening to the tank after you finish?
  10. I wish, I'd be about $200 richer without the couple speeding tickets. :an!gry
  11. M4d DoriF0Tu down the highway with it like that.
  12. Pretty sure I did post the latest set of pics when they were taken almost a year ago...
  13. Nice pics. Must be a blue plastic pallet under there? Looks like a bit of blue on the second pic and I'd guess a wooden one would have sunk before it had time to accumulate that many.
  14. Used to be semi active on the MB years ago, but not in a long time. Don't have my Silvia anymore though, sold it awhile ago. Only have the S14 now.
  15. Don't confuse posting on someone's wall with a private message. Posts on a wall, by default are public(Relatively)
  16. Guess you weren't around in 2007 when it was posted about twice an hour for 3-4 months. :slfg:
  17. While I would like some sausages, I think it might be more financially sensible for me to just buy and cook them myself rather than travel to Auckland...
  18. Our one eyed pleco was named Pirate. It was smooth where his other eye should have been, except for a dark patch.
  19. I've never had anything take more than about a week. But I mostly go for more twiggy, odd shaped bits rather than heavy solid pieces. More surface area to volume.
  20. True. I haven't driven anything but Nissans in 7-8 years. Literally, not just owned, I've driven 4 vehicles in that time, all nissans.
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