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Everything posted by Ira

  1. Put a lot of plants in, good lighting and relatively low fishload and there isn't a huge amount of maintenance needed beyond feeding. Looks like it could use some pruning though...
  2. Ira

    What am I?

    That looks nothing like a marlin. For comparison...
  3. Ira

    What am I?

    I think it's called a fish.
  4. So, step 1: Dig a big pond...
  5. Ira

    Stressed Fish

    Have you ever tried taking a good deep breath of pure CO2? I'd imagine the fish felt a bit like that.
  6. It's only one fish, the colors were changed in photoshop.
  7. It would be uncommon NOT to. I had a blue ram that would chase my severums around. Totally ignoring that they were about 9" longer than him....
  8. Somewhere not in NZ. Or they were saltwater.
  9. Ira

    Moving tanks

    How far are you planning on moving them and how thick of substrate? It will certainly add a lot of extra weight. To another room you might be able to get away with moving the whole stand together if you've got 4 people. To another house...Just completely tear it down.
  10. Nothing at all wrong with it. Should work fine.
  11. Why would you do that? Alaskan.
  12. Man, some old farts around here. :lar: My first job I was earning about $18NZ an hour at the exchange rate at the time.
  13. Ira

    Another Wellingtonian

    Where did you bruy the coldwater guppies? Curious who around here is selling them as that.
  14. Probably best to give it a good coat of something like polyurethane to seal it first.
  15. Ira

    Fluval FX5

    Bigger motor=more flow. More flow=more crap caught in the filter wool. More crap=clogs faster. Clogs faster=loses flow faster. Have you tried removing the filter wool? It's not a necessity. And it could be that the eheim filter or the difference in how you've put it in also means that the water in the eheim just bypassed the clogged up filter wool while the fluval still has to push through it.
  16. Well that's irritating, what good is a tui billboard generator that you can't link to the result?
  17. Ira


    Be some people VERY interested if you could get actual zebra plecs for under $200. IIRC the last time I saw some they were going for $1500+
  18. Ira

    Fluval FX5

    I'll trade you a perfectly functioning CF1200 for your faulty FX5.
  19. Wait, the topic changed to Arowanas? I thought we were still talking about Gouramis and was wondering what's so fancy about pearl gouramis?
  20. Look at the flow chart. 2 feet of head is roughly 1 PSI. I'm assuming that means that it won't open with less than .5psi? So as long as your pump has a maximum head of 1 foot it should provide enough pressure to open the valve. Which...6000LPH I'd imagine it has far more than that.
  21. They've been reclassified too, used to be Thoughtaiputa Fishinthere
  22. I'm not sure if you're serious or not. But you're pretty much full up just with that giant gourami.
  23. Yup, sounds like wireless issue, not the internet connection. Try running a speed test in your lounge and another with your laptop sitting next to the router and post the results. I'm actually curious about the results.
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