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Everything posted by Ira

  1. Ira

    Fluval 405 leaking

    Not necessarily, fish have a much higher standard for what's safe because they're more likeable.
  2. Ira

    LED lighting

    Unlikely it would be yellow. Most cheap white LEDs, which this one looks likely to be, are much more towards the blue end of the spectrum.
  3. Ira

    LED lighting

    Possibly. But if you want something more specific you'll have to provide some kind of details.
  4. What about the dog? Come, get to it.
  5. Don't see why that would be a problem. Plecs and bristlenoses don't care how big or small your substrate is.
  6. Dogs, are they classified as canines or mammals?
  7. Didn't notice your post on that thread. The video's realtime, not time lapse. Things move FAST if you have a long enough zoom.
  8. Hyperbole and a half. http://hyperboleandahalf.blogspot.co.nz/
  9. Yeah, haven't read it in ages though.
  10. I suppose I wouldn't be laughing at this if I didn't have the sense of humor of a 12 year old...
  11. Guess we'll see if he's still alive in a week.
  12. I'd say very bad condition. Just from that pic I'd say he'd be dying soon, I certainly wouldn't have bought him or anything from the same tank. Surprised they sold him in that bad of condition.
  13. Though, I found in my case it never came back and I made no real changes.
  14. Don't try to glue the cut out back in with superglue.
  15. Depends, used to be wavemakers were either devices that switched powerheads/pumps off and on to create a varying current like: Or a mechanical device that alternated flow between two outlets or rotated like: But seems in the last couple years "wavemaker" has been used for high volume, low pressure powerheads that create a constant current rather than actual waves. Like the one in your pic.
  16. First thing I'd suggest is a couple nice pieces of driftwood stretching from the bottom to the top. Bad pic, but examples:
  17. That's because fish aren't livestock to be treated when they become ill. They're disposable decorations that don't go anywhere beyond $5 feeder goldfish kept in a bowl in a kid's bedroom. Which are then flushed and replaced every month or two when they die.
  18. I use a couple Seio M820s, if you're referring to powerheads rather than variable current devices or actual wavemakers.
  19. Yeah, that size you're probably better off getting it made, if you've got someone good nearby. Where are you?
  20. They're everywhere. Unlikely to "Spread" it to the other tank because they're probably already present. It's a matter of the water conditions being appropriate for it to overrun everything or not. Probably not the cyano, likely the cyano and the deaths are symptoms of poor water quality.
  21. Ira

    Fish ID

    It does look very much like a hybrid of an electric yellow and something else from the muddy coloring. I'd put my money on the guy flipping through pics and deciding, "Hey, this looks close, must be it!" when he just has some garbage mutts.
  22. Why don't you want to use an overflow? That's the simplest and most reliable way to do it.
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