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Everything posted by Ira

  1. As long as its woody and been drifting then it should be fine. Anything that rots too quick will probably be gone long before you could find it on a beach. And even a relatively fast rotting wood should be fine for a year or two.
  2. I'm not sure it meets the "In the world" criteria.
  3. Over Eureka, AK on March 16th. Just thought some here might enjoy it.
  4. Laser pointer hanging from the quad was only slightly more successful. The cats ignored the laser pointer and watched the quadcopter instead.
  5. Ira

    pumping water?

    Can't necessarily just put the hose on the end. Not necessarily anyway but a lot now do come with barbed adapters that you could probably put the hose onto. Maybe throw a hose clamp onto it to be sure. I have a 7000LPH pod pump that I use to pump my tank out through hoses to water the garden that I made an adapter with some hansen fittings with, but the latest pond pump had barbed fittings that look the right size for a standard garden hose.
  6. Ira

    pumping water?

    5000 will be heaps. It doesn't need to be that beefy.
  7. Ira

    pumping water?

    How fast do you want it to pump? 5000LPH pump should be more than enough. You're not going to want to fill up the tank in 10 seconds anyway.
  8. Yeah, spam...Meh, I entered anyway. Had to add NZ Post though.
  9. The mouthfuls of water I've had didn't taste particularly bad. The one time I sucked on the outlet of a filter and it spit a bunch of a the brown gunk from in the filter into my mouth was a lot more unpleasant. Not so much from the taste but mostly because it was chunky.
  10. Yup, superglue is fine. Gel would probably be better if you're using it on uneven surfaces. Aquakneadit should be good too though more visible.
  11. They'll be available slightly used in 12-14 hours.
  12. Stumbled into Livingart's family reunion?
  13. Certainly cheaper than a $100+ assembly of gyros, computers, radios, motors and volatile chemicals.
  14. ......What? No. I suppose you could buy all the spare parts and assemble one if you like doing things the hard way. Or you could just click this link below and then give them your address and money. Ladybird V2
  15. There are many names for it. Crap, sludge, muck, mulm, poo, gunk, mud, guck... It's all the organic waste and old rotten food in your tank, it's unlikely to be directly killing anything but the volume of it is likely a symptom of what probably is killing them. Judging from just the pics that would be insufficient filtration and water changes plus probably overfeeding. Do some water changes, vacuum it out. http://www.theaquariumwiki.com/Mulm
  16. Or replace it. They're pretty cheap.
  17. Walkera Ladybird. At the moment it's probably the best microquads. Wifey's work laptop, noone cares if it gets broken.
  18. Swish it around in some water, squeeze it a handful of times underwater, swish it around some more, squeeze the water out and you're done.
  19. Ira

    Fish tank light

    You need a 24w PL lamp. 24W is the wattage, PL is the lamp type.
  20. He didn't take the bait... Probably for the best. :slfg:
  21. Ira

    The What's Up? thread.

    My attempt at homemade wasn't even remotely as good. I only let it sit for 2 months though. Better if you give it 4-6 months, apparently. This is my favorite one. This stuff is good too, but I've never found it in NZ.
  22. Don't forget to drink the rest of the limoncello afterwards.
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