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    Alexandra, New Zealand

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  1. good luck for monday...... surely someone on here is in law?????
  2. hi mark i don't really know you just made a donation hopefully everyone else is too. but as they have all been saying if everyone give a bit maybe you can save your park..... have we made a stash of cash yet???
  3. i had a new baby a few months ago and when you have kids the best thing you can take is a meal.... lol :-?
  4. it's shameful but i have been to the Wiggle's' it was the best one that i've have been too......
  5. my brother sends us coffee from Costa Rica..... can't bet it
  6. watch the mozzies they love to eat ya.... was there a couple of weeks ago on a mad dash to a wedding in greymouth and they all jumped in the car for a ride.
  7. how do you do an under water water fall???
  8. got two monkeys in the other room free to good home or just free, can't give back though
  9. i would like to quote "Gordan Ramsays" favorite saying "**** Me!"
  10. :roll: i suppose he isn't eating cat food ahy... just loves fish.... fish are for eating and some fish are for pets lol. thats what i tell him anyway..... just waiting to come in from hanging the washing out or something to see the baby with fish food on her lips
  11. they love banana, apple and carrot celery, cucumber, cut into smallish bits. say maybe two slices of banana or another,,,,, not heaps at once
  12. my son who is now 6 1/2 keeps eating the fish food you know the flakey kind..... he started when he was little i would come into a room and find him hiding and eating it but i am running out of places to hide it... he has always liked fish maybe its the same taste in the fish food. he can never resist a quick munch when he feeds our fish..... anybody else like fish food.......... :roll:
  13. my mum and dad have a resuce dog. she had three owners before them and she was nine months when we got her...... we kind of live next door.... she is scared of men..... my dad and husband being an exception.... we know this... we only let her run free if she is outside with us.... or she is on a chain... under the tree,,,.... she is walked every day mostly twice.... excelent with children and women.... but for some reason she hates men and will try and get them.... we know this so we keep her safe by having her with us or on a lead or chain..... often she will go to where her chain is even if she is not clipped to it with her bones and toys.... she is two now and we have had a trainer for 18months working with her and even after all this time.... we can't unchange what has happened to her in the past. i think the dog in video needs to be put down as it will b going insane in that cage for 10 months now. with not being able to get out for exersise
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