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Everything posted by Ira

  1. That's definitely a bristlenose. Doesn't look unusually large for an adult male.
  2. I think the normal sailfins are are some of the nicer looking suckies.
  3. There we go, that's the one! http://www.greenchapter.com/portfolio/44/pic_200.jpg
  4. Which, in my experience, they are very enthusiastic about. The handful I had resulted in something like 10 pairs...And they were ALL FEMALE. Guess they're very open minded.
  5. The sides should be transparent, otherwise what's the point? Might as well just be a normal pond.
  6. iirc once they hatch from their cocoon(Is hatch the right word?) they can't eat. They live for less than a week, slowly starving to death while they look for a mate and try to breed. So, I doubt the little black things are poop. That's why you(Or at least I) rarely find them active and healthy looking. If you see one and can catch it it's probably just about dead.
  7. If you had hundreds of tanks with thousands of cories and slowly lowered the temperature from 25 to 5 degrees over a span of 30 years I'd say odds aren't that bad that you'll have evolved a proper coldwater cory. Get to to work, Let me know how it goes.
  8. Fishroom threads where the poster spells "where" wrong - Do these threads really annoy anyone else or is it just me? :lol:
  9. Do you want an interactive bird that you'd let out of the cage or a cage only bird? Do you want loud or quiet? Do you want a talker or not? Do you wanta seed eater, veggie eater or mush eater? Do you want big or little, short lived or long lived? How much do you want to spend?
  10. Ira


    I don't think that means they can breathe underwater, I don't think it has the surface area necessary for breathing in water. Just means they don't immediately drown. I've found buckets and other containers left outside with drowned worms and slugs in the bottom. I just think they can hold their breath for a long time.
  11. Ira


    There are a few FW nudis.
  12. VTNZ doesn't appear to test them. I had a car with a small clunking noise for a year or two from one of the front shocks. After I sold it the new owner pulled the shock off and it completely loose, no resistance or absorbing shocks at all.
  13. Shocks are a wear item though, I think I've seen suggested replacement intervals of around 30-50K. I think most cars never get theirs replaced though.
  14. No it won't be a killer. Even if you constantly check the ammonia levels you probably won't even be able to detect a change.
  15. What do you mean bursting? I've never heard of eggs bursting before.
  16. 10 more until the really big one!
  17. Sounds like a good opportinty to make some money if you can find some native ones and breed them.
  18. Choose what you like the looks of, no point spending all this money to put the crappy ugly fish other douchebags like. :lol:
  19. And given that the general policy is that if it's not specifically allowed then it is banned, and they are a completely different species than brine shrimp, I'm going with no.
  20. What's the sentence for that? Up to a couple years jail time and a $200K fine or something like that?
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