I have used salt baths and added salt to my tanks on many many occasions.
I have used it to successfully treat wounds, fin rot, white spot etc etc
I hardly ever use chemical or pharmaceutical preparations.
My $15 15000K tubes have just arrived from fishstreet.
I much prefer the colour over my 10000k tubes
Far less yellow, more white/blue
Now to see how the plants react
For two thirds of a kidney you can have one of these http://www.trademe.co.nz/Browse/Listing.aspx?id=379642681
And for half a kidney you can get this http://www.trademe.co.nz/Browse/Listing.aspx?id=379642679
I have no idea about the quality but I am considering purchasing the 8 tube unit myself
How about one of these http://www.trademe.co.nz/Browse/Listing.aspx?id=379642683
The seller can be found here http://www.fnzas.org.nz/fishroom/viewtopic.php?f=24&t=53312
It normally written on the bag that It comes in but if you have lost the original bag then I wouldn't risk it.
Most Dacron that is marketed for stuffing pillows has a mold inhibitor added.
I grow wendtii and a few other crypts in my co2 injected tanks but they grow just as well in my other tanks. I have always had trouble with Balansae in co2 tanks but my co2 tanks also have high light levels which could also be a negative factor.
With a bit of luck supasi will see this thread, he's the crypt expert.
I was assuming that you will be using a regulator with a solenoid valve to turn off the co2 at night when it isn't needed?
If so you can expect a Ph swing of about 1 degree between day and night. Its this Ph swing that some crypts don't like.
Anubias is a slow grower and does better in my low light, no added co2 tanks.
All of my java ferns grow just as well if not better in my no added co2 tanks.