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Everything posted by Zev

  1. Josh... I can't see anything! and before you ask, no, I do not have a Facebook login.
  2. Post the details here and I will ad it to your club page.
  3. I have more email addresses than you, Jen! And why do you post this AFTER I have just cleaned out my overlit tank of green hairy soup? Also check you have not used up your mailbox allocation, you may need to shift a few things out.
  4. This fund currently stands at: $1,144.96 Contributors to date are: $149.00 - Hawke's Bay Aquarium Society $50.00 - Warren Stilwell $315.00 - Dunedin Aquarium and Pond Society $50.00 - Caryl & Grant Simpson $160.00 - anonymous contributions to date $300.00 - Tasman Aquarium Club $0.96 - Bank interest $120.00 - Glass ornament raffle at conference http://www.fnzas.org.nz/?p=1304
  5. You do not need a heater with ramshorns, in fact mine grow bigger in a cold tank, as Josh said, any water tight container should be fine - I have kept them in a plastic bag lined container for ages and just throw some fishfood and bits of plants in there, change about 1/3 of the water when I remember. They are also quite partial to lettuce and courgette.
  6. A good close up shot would be nice, we have one but it is taken from quite a distance away, especially if it shows how many leaves are at each node, which is how you determine if it is cabomba or ambulia
  7. Awww Jim, you are kidding me! Shift to another island and you still do not get your AW before anyone else!
  8. Zev

    Clown Killies

    If you can get a male Blueyes, I can send a few females, they are rather small as well, though. Actually, it may be cheaper for me to buy you two females from the shop because the freight and packaging will cost about the same!
  9. :mbh: I must say I like the paper weight and finish.
  10. http://www.fnzas.org.nz/?page_id=351
  11. Yeah, but there is a great chance yours are anti social and slightly perforated, Ira? Probably not what she had in mind.
  12. Borrow away... Or do you want this one?
  13. It is not Cladophora, Cyano or Staghorn (have plenty of the latter at the moment and it looks nothing like the pic in that link) Would say Hair algae.
  14. Dang! Put some fly screen mesh over the inlet?
  15. If Simian is involved there is no such thing as a beer or two - you may need to arrange a floor to sleep on!
  16. No takers for a review? Do I have to start drawing names out of a hat?
  17. Erk - I have a wesite to try and get up and running by the end of the month sorry That is a big chunk out of my development day!
  18. What time does the tank crawl start and what time do you expect it to finish?
  19. Gale force winds, heavy rain - take your pick! Rain, clearing tonight. Southeasterlies, severe gale gusting 120 km/h in exposed places.
  20. Duvet covers, sleeping bags...
  21. Yeah, don't forget to print the ticket out, we have sat at Waipukurau whilst the father of some teenagers argued with the busdriver that he had paid for their tickets, but did not know he had to print them out and present them for them to get on the bus.
  22. I dare you to name it Bob - but you have to pronounce it like Blackadder does!
  23. Give it multiple names - then you can just pic bits to call her as your mood or her antics dictate! This is from a household whose latest addition is named Lil Malt Cheese Ball
  24. Clown fry are surface dwellers - some java moss that makes it up to the top of the tank and starts crawling up the sides is good.
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