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Everything posted by Zev

  1. Looking good, I like that you have a large shoal of the same fish rather than a whole bunch of different types.
  2. My Sea Bunnies disappeared - don't know if it was the anemone that got them, or if they got munched by the stream. I don't think they made a marked difference to the algae. I got them a few summers ago from someone up north who had some wild caught ones. I do not know if you can get Berghia here, but someone else may know.
  3. Nahhh... the lamp is past it's prime and I would not even give it away! Just because it still glows rather brightly does not mean it is putting out the correct light, the coraline algae would not even grow it was so old!
  4. I think I have a 14000k lamp in there at the moment, the colour is a bit yellower than I would like, but different brands behave differently. The best one I had came from Wonderworld in Rotorua, and Ardie took it out of a new fitting to sell it to me because he did not have any in stock. I will see if I can dig it up and see what brand and temp it was.
  5. Actually, the 150w would be better in my opinion, the DE lamp the fitting takes is the same as a lot of the marine lamps that are available on the market that have the correct colour temperature. The downlights appear to take single ended lamps, and you may struggle to get the correct lamps for marine. I have 150w MH over a 108l tank, and it grows softies well.
  6. Zev

    Good or bad

    I have a few of these, I just haul them out when I see them. Will a potassium permanganate dip for plants before you put them in a tank get rid of these critters?
  7. Zev

    This or that

    Candyfloss Mittens or Gloves?
  8. My runny sinuses disagree with your comment about pollen being harmless Ryan
  9. I used to work with a guy that would spend that a day on lunch! And I am sure there are those that spend that much a week just on coffee as well.
  10. You sure all the laughing won't be bad for you going by the comments from the June meeting? Perhaps you should not sit next to Sophia?
  11. Cool, but why does he have a fat bottom lip, Mark? Birzle
  12. There is a book by Scott W Michael called Marine Fishes, gives quite good info on fish compatibility.
  13. As long as the rock is not crushed into sand I do not think it makes much difference providing you can get flow around it and get no dead spots. What ends up in the fuge is usually bits that you cannot scape with because of their shape/size :-? and bits of rubble. I do not have a sump on my tank, everything hangs off the side/back and looks a bit ugly. Naughty fish are usually those that you buy on impulse and have not done your homework on before purchase, they look neat in the fish shop, but are usually agressive towards your existing inhabitants or graze on your corals or kill your inverts, they are hard to move on because of these traits.
  14. Depends on how big your bits of rock are that you are trying to stuff in there! It can often end up as a repository for naughty fish as well, and if you are lighting it you could put some put algae in there for nutrient export.
  15. Zev

    Hi there

    Hi and welcome How to post pics here: http://www.fnzas.org.nz/fishroom/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=2406
  16. Are you going to add anything else to get flow? As Puttputt says, the spraybar will cause problems, and if it is close to the lighting, it will splatter all over the covers of your light fittings. What sort of rockwork are you looking at as well, if you use diffuser or egg crate or make your own out if thick acrylic strips to sit your rock on you could look at the return from this system with the spray bars being under this, and then having a stream to keep the water moving higher up the tank. The little shelf over the fuge may hinder access to it as well - how much space is there under the lights to the top of the fuge?
  17. It lasts even less as a substrate for plants when your PT 'Moliwe' start undertaking huge excavations to make egg laying possies :-? I kept wondering why my water was cloudy every now and then until I caught them at it, digging under the driftwood to make not so small defensible caves.
  18. Zev

    Hi Caper!

    Long time no hear - what have you been up to and how are those grandkids?
  19. Zev

    The What's Up? thread.

    yup! Have to take Miss 9 to work with me today... :nilly:
  20. My sister in law's nieces were always told to eat all of their dinner or there would be no pudding or dessert and they could go straight to bed. When they were still in primary school, their mother dished up something for dinner that one of the girls took one look at, sighed and said 'well, I may as well go straight to bed then' and off she went. Her mother was at a total loss as what to say!
  21. Zev

    The What's Up? thread.

    Kevin suggested the correct phrase should have been 'a picture is worth a thousand calories...' Sam, you down this way for the hols - you can buy one yourself! They have fishponds at Rush Munroe's as well.
  22. Zev

    The What's Up? thread.

    On the way back from the pet shop (we bought a new bell for Lil' Malt Cheese Ball as well because he chewed the last one off his collar) we had to stop at Rush Munroe's Ice Cream Parlour. As they say, a picture is worth a thousand words... Maple Walnut Sundae in foreground and Passionfruit in the background.
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