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Everything posted by Zev

  1. Lil' Malt Cheese Ball has managed to break his tibia... He is staying at the vets over the weekend and gets stuck back together on Monday
  2. Zev

    This or that

    Fire Eel Meguires or Kitten (car care stuff)
  3. Zev

    The What's Up? thread.

    Going to get the muffler fixed on my car, my daughter says it sounds 'beastly' (is that good or bad?)
  4. Any one else willing to give this a go?
  5. Zev

    This or that

    Date Daffodils or Freesias?
  6. We would like to know how user friendly you think the following sites are for plant identification. 1- http://www.nzpcn.org.nz 2 - http://dataversity.org.nz 3 - http://www.biosecurity.govt.nz 4 - http://www.niwa.co.nz or any plant identification site you may know of (but not ours!) The challenge is: You have just found these two plants, and would like to know what they are, and if you are allowed to put them in your tank or pond... Exhibit a: Exhibit b: Please post your findings below - DO NOT NAME THE PLANTS in your findings, but answer the questions below: For each plant, a & b Could you find the name of your plant? Yes/No On which sites did you find this information? 1 - 4, or name of other site you found it on How long approximately did it take you to find the name of the plants? General observations about the user friendliness of each site. Thanks!
  7. you are supposed to say 'Maybeeeee...' Nav
  8. Arghghghg.... naughty Ira - nooooooooooo... the Nyan cat!
  9. One of my work colleagues has a cat that had a severe reaction to Frontline, it would cause a large weeping sore where at the site of treatment. She has tried Revolution and Advantage, but the same happens with as well.
  10. The Java fern and Lemna will do fine in an unheated tank. You can get the heat pads for pets that you can sit your tank on, but I am not sure how you would regulate the temperature. There was one in the lps with a sub 1litre tank and a betta in it, but I felt the tank and thought it was possibly too warm.
  11. Hey, the car is back! Never got used to that green yip yip thing...
  12. I would be cautious about rubbing Jim up the wrong way Wok, remember he may be shifting up closer to you soon...
  13. Whut? He just asked if it could be done, he did not ask how And if he wants me to create one for him he knows where to find me :nilly:
  14. Inhaling food - forgot about that one, I don't think chewing is in a Mal's repertoire when it comes to food. I think the sponge cake went down in two gulps and was so hot that it did not touch his lips.
  15. Mals will eat anything you put in front of them, and then some. Including hot sponge cakes that are supposed to be cooling on a rack on the kitchen table :-? Perhaps another consideration for how much to feed is how much 'work' your dog is doing, or exersise as the case may be, digging holes in the yard and yodeling all day do not count
  16. It may not be a bad thing, the nemos will distract the kids and they can bash on the glass of that tank while the parents talk to you guys
  17. Mine bugger off as soon as I get the camera out, let alone anywhere near the tank! And they are usually displaying nicely beforehand as well :-?
  18. Best you give me some info to put on the main site about this and the expo then, and you could post the details in the club section as well
  19. Ummm, I would not laugh too hard Anthony, there is a rather unflattering shot of your rear end taken while we were waiting to wade across to the rockpools...
  20. Lucky... do you want me to fix the typo before I put it on Google Docs?
  21. Laugh all you like Wok, I am still waiting for my breeding report for the meeting next week!
  22. He would spill his tea if he tried that again! And how come Jim and I always get ours last - huh?
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