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Everything posted by Zev

  1. Zev

    This or that

    Blue ram Green kiwifruit or yellow kiwifruit?
  2. Zev

    The What's Up? thread.

    I have a Tunze regulator and needle valve, neither have given me any trouble. Nice bugs Deepsound!
  3. But why are the Hare and the Squirrel in there as well?
  4. Psssstttt..... Caryl.... You are so going to have to post notice of your meetings a bit more in advance if you want them to appear on the main site And you have to have jam with those piklets and cream !drool:
  5. http://www.thetropicaltank.co.uk/Fishindx/rainbows.htm
  6. http://www.fnzas.org.nz/?p=782
  7. I think she wrecked her back in the process of lugging it up the drive and struggling to get it in the back of the car, so I would be very careful where you ask her to put it
  8. Zev

    4 months

    Posting pic instructions here: http://www.fnzas.org.nz/fishroom/viewtopic.php?t=2406
  9. Errr... I hope you asked what it was before you agreed to help
  10. Sometimes the girls just like to hide out and have some peace and quiet from the boys...
  11. Zev

    Hi from Dunedin!

  12. These are the ones we usually get here: The male's tail is usually longer and tapers off to a point and looks like a rocket flare, hence the other common name Rocket killie. There is usually orange in the centre and two red lines either side. The dorsal and anal fins are also edged with red and taper to a point more than the female's. The females usually have little or no colour in the fins or tail and and the tail is almost rounded at the end and does not taper so dramatically as the male's does. They have a slightly deeper body with a more pronounced roundness in the gut area. A sub dominant male may show little or no colour in order not to get beaten up by the dominant male. HTH
  13. Stunning - but the pictures could have been a bit bigger
  14. Dang - hope you find him soon. Try the SPCA as well, that is how one of my colleagues found that one of her cats had been found injured quite a way up the road from her house, they had taken it to the vet clinic.
  15. Zev


    Yeah, takes him that long to reply to a pm! Good to see ya!
  16. Must... stop.... playing.... Tiny.... Wings...... Ted+Subtitle Starwalk
  17. Quake: mag 6.0, 9 km deep, Mon, Jun 13 2011 2:20 pm (NZST), http://geonet.org.nz/3528839g 10 km south-east of Christchurch
  18. Zev

    Buzzys Reef

    As Nymox said, nice and tidy! Now all you need is the comfy chair in front to while away the hours just staring at it.
  19. Looking good, I love tanks with a good size shoal of fish in it. I have always thought a five or six footer densely planted and riddled with neons would be stunning.
  20. You could always do what some of the other clubs do, have meetings at member's homes. Then you get to see their tanks and have people around who can keep the little'uns entertained...
  21. Wednesday 15 June 7.30pm at the National Aquarium of New Zealand This month we have a talk on filtration by Rob Yarrall this includes a look at some of the systems in use at the aquarium - bring your jacket, it may be cold in some of the areas we will be looking around. All welcome.
  22. Was this before or after Flatfish traumatised you when he said that he had seen a sizable stingray flicking in the water where you were walking across?
  23. I love Ted, have it on my phone, you can download them as watch them later without internet access. There is quite a funny one on building a toaster from scratch.
  24. Hey! Missed the planking, when was that?
  25. I wouldn't be toooooo hasty about casting aspersions about Jen's skills at playing pool, as I also have video evidence that indicates that the group who played after us, despite all the 'coaching' comments during our game, were not of the skill level that one was lead to believe...
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