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    Mt Eden

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  1. Thanks guys, Ryan, why not so much blood worms, is it a protein overload thing? i kind of treat blood worms as a quasi phosphate hit for the tank seeing as i am dosing pmdd. will cut down if its not good for the fishes. cheers andy
  2. Haha, quite the opposite Im afraid ....
  3. awesome , thanks Caryl. taking my son this afternoon, we are fizzing already
  4. Hi all, I have a community tank, rams, angles, barbs etc and feed NLS plus bloodworms 2x a day. Fish seems to be thriving. I was wondering if this is a varied enough diet? What do you? Cheers Andy
  5. I think DIY in your tak will work really well. I read that even under low to moderate light plants will increase rate of growth 5x or more when CO2 is introduced. With good Co2 ferts and light plants can grow 15x :smln: which is why I cant do stems any more. Start thinking about ferts and start slowly once CO2 is introduced. Hopefully you will be amazed
  6. :nfs: Thanks, I reckon those Oscars are fantastic
  7. Supaclear


    Hi Suz, Im new here too, looks like a great site> Welcome
  8. Mate, you are legend, sounds very effective i might try a mist thing rather than thru the canister> just to see. 8)
  9. his is identical to mine: http://www.trademe.co.nz/Pets-animals/Fish/Aquatic-plants/auction-378817189.htm Auction finished but keep an eye out....I think HFF sell these as well for around 180.00. Bottles 200 bucks... http://www.fnzas.org.nz/fishroom/viewtopic.php?f=24&t=52452&start=15 This s where i get CO2 refill. they may also be able to assist. sure had heaps of bottles lying around.... http://maps.google.co.uk/maps/place?hl=en&pq=pressure+testing+services+grey+lynn&xhr=t&cp=8&rlz=1T4ACEW_enNZ406NZ406&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.&biw=1024&bih=404&wrapid=tljp1309463922296021&um=1&ie=UTF-8&q=cylinder+testing+services+grey+lynn&fb=1&gl=uk&hq=cylinder+testing+services&hnear=0x6d0d47bcddc143a1:0x500ef6143a2c890,Grey+Lynn,+New+Zealand&cid=22154454784147783 HTH andy
  10. yes but it will last for years. 40 bucks or less for the wee pouch. if you havent already id be tempted to get a few weeds and stems for it too.
  11. my extinguiser was already converted so dont really know mate but checkout fitting for regulator, i got a tunze and work back from there. get it professionally sorted if changing valves rather than diy. i think HFF sell coverted cylinders for around $200 as do other places. its not that hard to sort. cng or lpg dont think so, we'd all be doing it.....
  12. i have my doubts about ongoing cost with those smaller sets, maybe some one could comment. My pressurised 4.5 kg fire extinguisher, solenoid, bubble counter, diffuser etc cost $350.00. refills are around !5 dollars from memory. would last for ages on your tank, just a matter of finding space?
  13. oh no!!! how long does he have and is it contagous? i thought it was a small lesion bought about by close encounter with an angel fish about 3 weeks ago. doesnt seem to be getting any worse.....
  14. ive got all my plants from Hollywood Mt Roskill. I got Wendti Tropica and all good. Pays to ring and check and get in before the weekend. HTH
  15. :thup: Thats how i started out, but more investigation meant no crpyts, lotus, val etc so community it was. i love the south americans too. 8)
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