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Everything posted by Zev

  1. He's lovely - always had a soft spot for borders...
  2. You realise now, don't you Caryl, that you will have to clean the garage out to put it in there :nilly:
  3. You've been feeding it after midnight, haven't you?
  4. Zev

    Brown algae?

    They are diatoms, common in new tanks, they should diminish after a few weeks and are harmless to fish and plants. If you find it really annoying because you cannot see in the tank you can wipe it off the glass.
  5. Awwww.... come on, you know you want to download it and play it! :slfg:
  6. Hi and welcome! There seems to be a few Christchurch people turning up lately
  7. There used to be an estimate of approx $15 per litre to equip a marine tank... Gear wise I would go Deltec or Reef Octopus for skimmers and Tunze for streams and controllers, but that is just my opinion.
  8. Hey Jennifer... http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/nyan-cat-lost-in-space/id433592592?mt=8
  9. There is also info here, for the non Facebook inclined http://www.fnzas.org.nz/?p=403 And welcome to the Fishroom.
  10. These look tempting, but I have not done much research on them to date... http://reefbuilders.com/2010/05/17/red-sea-max-s-500-440-liter-116-gallon-aquarium-specifications/
  11. Joe is too young to drink beer, and different things appeal to different people, it is not a failure to not understand a sport or hobby that others are passionate about.
  12. Zev

    The What's Up? thread.

    He said he had his full, he did not say he was allowed the car
  13. You forgot: They are escape artists
  14. Does not seem to have hindered him indulging in one of his favourite passtimes, though...
  15. How about this for a diet? https://www.vetlearn.com/_preview?_cms.fe.previewId=e1dabce0-ccc4-11e0-a748-0050568d3693
  16. Zev

    This or that

    Um, you are under the misconception that I clean my car regularly, I am not like you Bimmer owners... Start early and finish early. Tabby or pointed (cat colours)
  17. Run faster KP..... I think you and Wok are the only ones I have used this smiley on, btw!
  18. No idea what so ever, he just limped in on Friday night growing and hissing at every step. The vet said that this sort of injury was common when they fall out of a tree and get a leg stuck on the fork of a branch and flip around, and, errrr.... She said that the 'extra' weight that he was carrying would not have helped if this was the case It is just a bandage to help support the break, no cast yet - but the fish are neat!
  19. Looks better this way and 'he' would be a 'she'?
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