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Everything posted by Zev

  1. I would not pay him - he did not say what the suitable plants for the eggs to be laid on are
  2. It is always on at our place - I only pay it attention when the commentator starts getting hyperactive and his voice goes up a few octaves, because it signals that something worth watching is happening 8) I think my favourite was when it hailed not long before the finish a few years ago, I thought the poor guy was going to pop a gasket...
  3. A large number of kanakana, or lamprey, in some Southland rivers have been found sick and dying from a bacterial disease. The bacteria is not a risk to human health. But, it is recommend that you do not eat kanakana that look unusual or unhealthy. This disease has not been identified in New Zealand before. There is a risk that it could spread to other commercial and recreational fish including salmon, trout, eel, whitebait, and native fish such as kokopu. Further information here: http://www.fnzas.org.nz/?p=2546 Also from MAF: 'If any of your members come across fish that exhibit symptoms they should be encouraged to report the finding to the MAF hotline (0800 809966) as we are interested in getting a better understanding of the disease and how far it has spread. If your members retain the fish to send in for analysis they should be encouraged not to freeze the fish.'
  4. Nanos are hard to keep the parameters stable, a larger tank, despite the top ups would be easier to look after. Also you will have to watch the temps don't get too high in a smaller tank. I have a 108l that I top up with PureDew - Countdown is more reliable where we are for keeping stock of it. I use about 10l per week and costs me $7.05, and the tank is in an area where the ambient temperature is quite stable, so no need for a chiller or bottles of frozen water.
  5. I can lend him some kids over the school holidays - that will make him tear his hair out...
  6. Zev

    New Killi Tanks

    I could possibly spare some striatum and normani - will see if I can smuggle them down on the plane in mid Nov for the Exec meeting. Neither are jumpers - but you never know with new setups how fish will behave, and I would hate for them to turn into carpet fish...
  7. Zev

    The What's Up? thread.

    Waiting for my two sponge cakes to cool so that I can put jam and cream on one and the other on top then sprinkle with icing sugar - then eat it!
  8. I don't think she appreciates bumfed off an appointment to help sort out some treatment for an ailment that has been causing her excruciating pain, a lack of sleep and inability to work the hours she normally does for the last three months just because some high profile sportsmen happen to injure themselves the night before...
  9. Perhaps it is pretending to be a female so that it does not get beaten up. There is an article around about this sort of behavior.
  10. See if you can spot it here: http://www.fnzas.org.nz/?page_id=212
  11. Someone has been watching too much Shaun of the Dead...
  12. Halloween, Ira... You know, that weird celebration where you have the opportunity to truamatise kids who come knocking on your door asking for sweets - or do you let the dog do that?
  13. You don't need a cute puppy - think of your fish....
  14. Whoa - that chromis got the short shift!
  15. Zev

    The What's Up? thread.

    Went to the Blossom Festival - Miss Nine only came for one reason... Foam!!!
  16. Zev

    Song name game

    Original Fire - Chris Cornell
  17. http://www.fnzas.org.nz/fishroom/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=48031
  18. Might pay to have a read here before you go too high. http://www.fnzas.org.nz/?p=1732
  19. A Cthulhu - well, not me, but my daughter does... http://www.nifnaks.com/creations-shop/geek/cthulhu-christmas-tree-topper/detailed-product-flyer.html
  20. You know we will expect to to see a video of a chook version of A Dog's Show, don't you? For those of you too young to have any idea what I am on about... http://www.nzonscreen.com/title/a-dogs-show-1981
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