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Everything posted by Zev

  1. Zev

    Tubifex worms

    Have a look here: http://www.gsas.org/Articles/1997/tubifex.html
  2. More trips to Organism??? It's gonna look pretty barren when you transfer the stuff out of your RSM into it...
  3. You need to read the fine print as far as price goes... Flourish - recommended dose 5ml for 250l water once or twice a week. Flourish Excel - rd 5ml for 200l water daily or every other day. Ferropol - rd 5ml for 20l water weekly. So, on a weekly basis for a 100l tank, you are looking at: Flourish - 2ml - 100mls will last 50wks Flourish Excel - 17.5ml if dosed daily - 5.7wks 8.75ml if dosed every other day - 11.4 wks Ferropol - 25ml - 4 wks So while the per ml price may be the same, the rate at which you use it is not. Someone check my maths - it is not my best subject, and it's tea time and I am hungry, so the brain may not be working properly!
  4. Zev


    I saw something similar a few years ago in the Vet/LPS, in the tank with WCMMs were some very nice looking blue spotted fish - I asked what they were, and was told that they must be male WCMMs, because that's what the sign said on the tank! Didn't know much about killies at that stage, so didn't buy them for $4.50 each!
  5. Zev

    Double Guppy Fry

    Sadly they perished, they lived for about four months.
  6. Hi Perren, welcome to the forums - why don't you introduce yourself in the 'Welcome' section? I have seen a RSM at DecoCity Pets, can't remember if it has sold or not, though.
  7. Never mind the fish having three second memories, what about the owners? It's getting to the stage where three seconds after I've been introduced to someone, I can't remember their name!
  8. I'm sure Bud could come up with his own rude words if Wilson sprays him with Pepsi!
  9. I know that Wok, but for some reason Napier Airport is excluded from the Grabaseat deals..... grrrrr
  10. Waaaaaahhhh... How come Napier is not on this Grab a seat deal??? Caryl, can you send me a PDF rego form please - It would be such a shame to cut up my Aquarium World magazine...
  11. Dang Wok, there was food as well... You'll just have to miss out!
  12. True, but there are some out there who are unaware of these general common sense cleanliness things... The slime off a Zoa or mushy is soo disgusting that you would definitely want to be washing your hands after handling them.
  13. Just take a note of this before you start hacking into them... . retrieved from:http://www.wetwebmedia.com/ca/cav1i1/blane-zoanthids/zoanthids.htm
  14. Very nice... beautiful tails on the females too.
  15. Zev

    Hello From Hastings

    Hi and welcome. The Hawkes Bay Aquarium Society have meetings every third Wednesday of the month at the National Aquarium on Marine Parade, Napier at 7:30pm, you are most welcome to pop along to see what we get up to! Next meeting is Feb 20th.
  16. Gong Hei Fat Choy to you all as well... An interesting snippet about Icons associated with the New Year: 'The Koi fish is usually seen in paintings. Decorated food depicting the fish can also be found. It symbolizes surplus or having additional savings so as to have more than enough to live throughout the remaining year.' retreived from: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chinese_New_Year Now, just for a laugh, let's start having guesses as to which chinese zodiac animal Wok is... http://www.rainfall.com/horoscop/chinese.htm
  17. Here's some pics... Fish farm and Tokomaru Wharf Ponds - lots of them.... Should be a good trip!
  18. You forgot... Not being able to see properly for five minutes after staring at the bright burning spot on the concrete while trying to home in on the ants.......
  19. Cooked fish, anyone? Oh yeah... I can just see the kids burning down the house with one of those! Along with any other sadistic things they may inflict upon eachother with a torch like that.... I shudder to think.... What sort of consumer warning label do you think comes with one of those?
  20. I think he's talking about things that move around for a bit of eye candy, such as fish or shrimps, not water movement!
  21. Beware - the creature on the lid of your tank is there to absorb the energy from your setup.... Hang on, that's a good thing! Maybe you need more lined up there to absorb the excess heat in the summer? Could be costly though, initial price per unit can be pretty steep, and ongoing maintenance - might be cheaper to get a chiller?
  22. I only dripped him because by the time I got him the water was pretty cold, and I didn't want to float him, cos as you say, even with the lights off the fish seem to stress some. And having a nosey Maroon clown twice your size eyeing you up through the bag wouldn't help, either... How long you drip them for depends on what sort of syphon setup you use from your main tank, mine was a couple of bits of airline with a valve in the middle to adjust the rate, but it runs pretty slow.
  23. He should be able to handle it, ours came overnight on the courier in a poly box. When we lifted the bag out, it was laying like a sunken leaf on the bottom of the bag. Kevin said 'he's knackered', but I had read that they are prone to sulking and playing dead when transported, so I drip accliamatised him over a couple of hours and he's fine - sulked for a couple of days though. He's a cheeky little bugger, and likes to swim the currents in the tank getting perilously close to the BTA, and when the Maroon Clown decides that he is too close and has a go, the Wrasse goes for his eyes - needless to say, the clown backs down. Not scared of the Royal Snottyback , either!
  24. Zev

    reflection in tank

    I do what Ian does too, have the lens touching the glass of the tank - good for stabilisation as well. Nice pics Ian - I like the second one. I have also taken to putting guppies that I want to photograph in a small plastic box that business cards come in - stops them swimming out of camera range! Heres a sample pic.. Might try it with a piece of black card behind the box next time.
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