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Everything posted by Zev

  1. Ahhh... lets blame it on consumerism! I bet during the depression that the kids managed to occupy themselves with simple toys or work - they wouldn't be screaming out for video games, branded clothing and the latest sugar laden snack thingeys, and tell you where to go when you told them to get off their butts and go tidy up. Oh, and they would walk everywhere!
  2. Another thing that bugs me is the Secondary tax rate... Talk about stomping on a person who wants to get ahead in life... In some cases they may be better off not doing the second job?
  3. In Melbourne Australia, you are not allowed to let your cats roam around outside at night, the animal control people work at night specifically to pick up your wandering puss - and charge you sixty bucks to get it back if it is chipped, if it is not, you will never see it again.... My brother in law lives in the city, and we were staying at their place on their wedding night and they were at a hotel - they rang at eight o'clock from their honeymoon suite to check if the cat was inside after dark in case it got picked up!
  4. Whew, the weeks are ticking by fast! Meeting this Wednesday 19th March 7:30pm at The National Aquarium of New Zealand Marine Parade NAPIER Please enter through the front doors and proceed up the stairs to the right, our meetings are now held in the Dinosaur Discovery Room. And Wok, we expect you to make an effort to get here this time
  5. It seems too simplistic to me, sounds good on paper, but what worries me is they are going to want money, and if they can't get it one way, they are going to be looking at getting it from somewhere else, possibly by stealing it or property to sell, or become 'employed' by some not so above board 'organisations'.
  6. So, would this make it better, or worse? Key announced that under a National Government, youth who left school at 16 or 17 and did not enter another registered education provider or find work would be unable to receive any form of benefit. retrieved from: http://anarchia.wordpress.com/2008/01/3 ... -of-youth/
  7. Lol Here's one for ya Blue http://www.army.mil.nz/culture-and-hist ... aining.htm And here is the National Party propaganda on 'Fresh Start' http://www.national.org.nz/Article.aspx?ArticleID=11772 Scroll down to the bottom to avoid all the blah...
  8. When you scan, see if there is a 'descreen' button to check on your software. This is for scans of images that have been printed with dots, such as newspapers and magazines. It should get rid of the bands of coloured dots that you sometimes get when you scan - works well for magazines, possibly not so well on newspaper, as their dots are coarser. If you can't find the 'descreen' button, see if there is an 'advanced' tab to click when you scan, it may be hidden there if you are in (what my kids call) 'Nana mode', where you just click 'scan' and hope it comes out ok (and don't have to ask the grandkids which ones to click because there are too many options!)
  9. Marine fish may not, but corals and invertibrates do, there are many more variables to consider when keeping these. You cannot achieve 'a mint planted tank' with substandard filter, lighting or Co2 system.
  10. Riccardia chamedryfolia is not listed as one of the plants in the tank. http://www.bubblesaquarium.com/NewPlant ... _Popup.htm Fontinalis antipyretica or willow moss has a different structure. http://aquamoss.net/Willow-Moss/Willow-Moss.htm
  11. It appears that this tank won the ADA International Aquatic Plants Layout Contest 2005. Entries for this years contest can be downloaded from here: http://www.adana.co.jp/index_e.php Entry is free, but you are 'encouraged' to purchase the book of all the entries that ADA publish after the contest for 2000 yen - approx NZD$25.00. Grand prize will get you around NZD$1,200.00, but there is a catch - you have to go to the prize ceremony in Japan to collect your prize. I see that no one from NZ entered last year!
  12. Oliver Knott has some interesting tanks... http://www.pbase.com/plantella/nano_tank and he does some weird things with riccia... http://www.pbase.com/plantella/image/20469003
  13. I'd agree with Leroy. But keeping it compact that low in the water will require some pretty serious lighting. Not to mention that it would grow pretty fast and require constant trimming, then you get all these itty-bitty bits of it floating around the place... I can send you some it you want, but how you are going to stick it to the rocks is your problem! And when you post a pic that you have hoiked off the internet, you should put the link to the page with it, so that we can see it in context.
  14. Only a couple of very fat and spoilt senegalus! You should have asked them if they wanted to buy your ornates...
  15. The Bichirs are in the Dinosaur Discovery Room - up the stairs and turn right.
  16. Try here - disregard the nasty tiled blue background! http://puffernet.tripod.com/nitrogencycle.html
  17. From what I recall that our LFS had, they looked more like the guppy at the bottom of this page, and there were only males. http://www.bayfish.com.au/category17_1.htm
  18. http://www.fnzas.org.nz/fishroom/is-lou ... tml#259405
  19. With the fancy version, do you get all the nasty blinky blingy ad stuff? Just asking cos it drives me nuts!
  20. The HBAS are looking at having a tank crawl maybe later this month or early April, you could time your visit around then if you want - we should be having a committee meeting soon, so I can let you know when.
  21. He only did that so that you can't grizzle about anything being off topic!! Just think of all the pairs of shoes you could buy the missus with the money you could make!
  22. lol! Here is some light reading and pics and video to drool over... http://www.reefcentral.com/forums/showt ... genumber=1 The thread is 40 pages long and has been split 'due to performance issues' into another thread which is linked at the last page... hope you don't have too much work you should be doing today?
  23. Stella lives in Palmerston North - so day trip = 2 hours each way! In saying that, we've done a day trip to Auckland to drop a dog off, what a tiring experience that was, it's bad enough just driving for five hours one way let alone turning around and coming back again!!
  24. They have a tank opposite the Eels with a few of these fellows in it... The poor quality photo is due to the fact that they would not keep still for one second, so I had to use the video on my camera then cut a frame out of it to post this pic!
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