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Everything posted by Zev

  1. Zev

    skimmer sizes

    I have the MCE300 - you have to keep it really clean to work well all the time, which is a bugger, because mine has turned into a Mysis shrimp breeding facility - they have setup shop in the chamber that houses the pump, so I have to strip it down in situ to clean the other side. Before they took up residence I would just pull the whole skimmer off the tank and chuck it in the bucket and pull it to bits and give it a scrub. Watch out for the collection cup, it cracks easily if you let it roll off the bench and onto the floor! I stuck ours back together with chloroform and it is as good as new.
  2. Zev

    set up costs

    You forgot to add: Patience Open chequebook Understanding Partner or Parents!
  3. Zev

    set up costs

    True I'd say more like $15 - $25 per litre. I think the cheapest part of our setup was the tank, which seems to be a very bad starting point - you hear it time and time again - 'I have this tank laying around and I was thinking about going marine...'
  4. ROFLMAO You are so Busted!
  5. For some obscure reason, one of our local organic health food shops has it in little bottles for sale, so you could try some of those down your way.
  6. The propogating sand is Daltons as well, you can get it in 5 litre and 20 litre bags.
  7. Zev


    You can buy an automatic feeder that runs on a timer, but I think they are pretty pricey. You need to put a granule type food in them, rather than flake.
  8. Goby id info here, sorry no info on compatibility... http://www.wetwebmedia.com/valenciennea.htm
  9. Zev

    4 foot tank

    Your PhotoShop skills could do with some work! If it is happy on the crate I wouldn't try and get it off, you could damage to foot. You could fill the egg crate up with sand to hide it, or stick some mushys or Zoas on it.
  10. If you really want to have a drool over some nice clams, wait until Clams Direct (dotcom) get their stock back up on their website after the Christmas break.
  11. Zev

    Maxima Clams

    No wonder she would prefer one clam as opposed to one shoe!!
  12. Yup Some light reading for you! http://www.wetwebmedia.com/ca/cav1i3/Cl ... m_care.htm
  13. Awww they're cute... Are the Ultra blues? Just be careful if you are going to leave them on the substrate, the nasty bristle worms will be very interested in invading them through the byssal organ if the don't attach.
  14. Zev

    Maxima Clams

    Well, you buys shoes in pairs.... Surely this would also apply to clams?
  15. Caryl did not say that she was 'doing nothing'. Just because she doesn't go to school or work every day of the week doesn't mean she just sits around all day looking at her fish! In fact, I suspect that this is as far from the truth as you could get. Cheeky pup! (At least his spelling and grammar seems to be improving marginally)
  16. Could be Glosso - Glossostigma elatinoides
  17. Zev


    Glad to hear the Guppys are enjoying themselves! 20 killies - I'm rather jealous, my tanks that I set up for Killies have been taken over by Guppies!!! Well, I have one spare, but it looks like my Blue Rams are gearing up for some naughty business, they have been meticulosity cleaning a rock and chasing everything away that gets near, including snails...
  18. Mee Toooo! Mine was in the back pocket of my trousers, and I had to fish it out with me hand....
  19. I saw someone that was using a large HOB filter to grow their pods in - the one with the pump sucking the water into the filter and returning by waterfall, apparently this stops the pods getting munched by the pump as they return to the tank at night. I will try to find it and post the link. Wouldn't look too good hanging off the back of a RSM, though!
  20. Zev


    If it is this sort of fern - Java Fern You can cut the rhizome and attach it to a rock or piece of driftwood with cotton, it should attach itself by the time the cotton has disintergrated. They do not do too well if you bury then in the substrate. They also grow new plantlets from leaf edges, which you can break off and attach as above.
  21. Couple of years? An apprenticeship is how long??? And don't think that there won't be any exams and paperwork with that either!
  22. Doh... Wednesday 21 November! You coming, Wok? I'll cook extra... All welcome.
  23. This is our last official meeting for the year, but we will be having a family BBQ on 15 December (time and place to be confirmed at the November meeting), and an overnight trip up to Gisborne in January before we start official meetings in February. This month we will be having a Pot Luck Dinner and an Auction, so bring a plate of food to share and your favourite drink (Warren says not to forget dessert!!) In order to finish at a reasonable hour, the meeting will start at 7:00pm, so if you have items you wish to auction, please bring them in earlier so that they can be catalogued before the meeting starts. Meeting will be held at The National Aquarium of New Zealand, Marine Parade, NAPIER.
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