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Everything posted by Zev

  1. Back on track... I would have to agree with tHEcONCH, I started with a 11 Green Neons, and promptly lost half to whitespot. I have since replenished the numbers. I have noticed that they don't seem to grow as large as a normal neon, but they do seem to be more social and school more than normal neons. If the light angles are correct, they appear more green than blue.
  2. We use a parking service at Welly Airport, you park your car up and they take you to the terminal in a van, you give them your flight details and they will pick you up when you return - but you have to ring them from the phone on the wall at the terminal. The cost is $25 for the first day and $8 per day thereafter. So you are looking at around $113. Details here.. http://www.wellington-airport.co.nz/htm ... ngterm.php
  3. Borneos are sooo cute when they are little, with those big eyes that just say 'buy me'. Good luck with your hunt for an ornate, I think quite a few came in mid last year, but they would still be pretty small if anyone was wanting to on sell one.
  4. Zev


    Hi, and welcome.
  5. Zev


    With Photobucket, just click on the bottom of the four options under your photo - it starts 'img....', it will say 'copied' then you paste this into the forum and you get the picture coming up, not just a link. Be careful with the Flourish Excel, if you have catfish such as bristlenoses, or fish without scales, they do not handle shock doses of this fertiliser very well and I would be wary of using it in large doses if you do. If you don't have any scaleless fish, you should start with a couple of normal doses as per the instructions, then you could try a double dose. The lighting period you have does not seem excessive, our lights go on at eight in the morning and off at ten at night. Are your tanks close to a window, direct natural daylight can cause some algae problems too. HTH
  6. Zev

    reflection in tank

    Take your photos at night, with all the room lights off and only the tank lights on. Oh, and no flash, either... HTH
  7. Have a look here, I know it's an offshore retail site, but it gives some info on the colour temp of the tubes they stock, which are mostly Phillips so the specs should be the same as the ones we get here. http://www.bulbs.com/T--8_Linear/results.aspx
  8. Maybe they will grow into some of these? Don't show the kids... retrieved from:http://www.northbayponypals.com/info/koosh-ball.htm
  9. Here's my hurried effort... http://i36.photobucket.com/albums/e15/s ... Baby07.jpg Do you have a higher res one, or is it from a phone camera?
  10. I'll have a go, but the power supply on my laptop is playing up, so we will have to see how I go...
  11. Zev


    How to post pics is covered here: http://www.fnzas.org.nz/fishroom/viewtopic.php?t=2406 A few of us use Photobucket.com - although it has become rather littered with nasty blinky flashy ads of late, but if you can turn a blind eye to them, the photo hosting works fine. The main thing to watch is your image size. If the photos are yours, you do not need permission to post them, except for the Freshwater and Saltwater Members Tank sections, where they will be checked by Admin before they can be seen. HTH
  12. Good to see that they have taken responsability for them, and not just chucked them out and gone into denial.
  13. Looks like the same thing to me.. Retreived from:http://www.biosecurity.govt.nz/pests-diseases/plants/accord.htm, National Pest Plant Accord Manual PDF
  14. lol Our friend did the same, only he went to save his wide screen Tv - ran past his wife to do so!
  15. From a friend who'se parents live in Gisborne
  16. Twas a good wobbly here too, I was just talking to one of my daughters on the bed, and she says 'why is the fishtank water sloshing around?' - she's only six and should have been asleep, anyway! Went downstairs to check the tanks, and the cat was sitting up on the top shelf in her box with her tongue sticking out and a surprised look on her face as if to say - what the....?
  17. Zev

    Hello from Canada

    Hi and welcome. I would definately recommend Hollywood Fish Farm in Mt Roskill. Hope you have an enjoyable trip over here, what sort of fish are you into?
  18. Zev

    ground cover plant

    If you trim the leaves they usually start to deteriorate. They replicate by runners, so you get little plantlets that pop up from under the substrate. How high it grows depends on the conditions. Sag grows as little separate plants with leaves that emerge from a central point, not as separate leaves on a runner. So the more mature plants are usually taller.
  19. Zev

    ground cover plant

    Erk, double post...
  20. Zev

    ground cover plant

    I was asking because the really short plants such as Glosso require quite high light otherwise they get long and lanky. Other options are Hairgrass - http://www.aquaticplantcentral.com/foru ... php?id=154 Lilaeopsis novae-zelandiae - http://www.fnzas.org.nz/plant_survey/aq ... 94d498e67e
  21. Zev

    ground cover plant

    Dwarf Sag can grow quite tall, some of mine is about 150mm high. What tank depth/lighting/Co2/ferts you talking about for your tank?
  22. If you are coming to the Bay over christmas, drop a PM to Keri Anne, she has a lot of books on guppy genetics and a fishroom full of guppies, I am sure she will be more than happy to talk guppy genes with you!
  23. If it's the stuff that you got off me, its Sag - can grow rather long and lanky and doesn't look very 'dwarf' at all sometimes.
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