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Everything posted by Tsarmina

  1. my 10 corys never touched my guppy fry, its the adult guppies you have to watch
  2. guppies will breed no matter whats in the tank :lol: its just making sure there is enough plant cover for the fry. as for the corys, as billaney said, you'll have to remove the eggs. otherwise the guppies will eat them.
  3. i have a female rosy that has red marks on the sides of her mouth and where her pectoral fins join the body. also, it looks like she is gasping for breath and has her mouth wide open. i can't see anything in her mouth, and all the other fish in the tank are fine. any ideas?
  4. do you want another serpae tetra? i have 1 lonely one left as the other 2 passed away.
  5. i have: tank a - 2 males 1 female tank b - 1 male approx 150 young (mum got moved due to lack of space for more babys)
  6. just a lot of fish poop :lol:
  7. i used to catch small house flies for mine. i had to pull a wing off so it couldn't fly as the frogs couldn't catch them.
  8. Tsarmina


    how do you sex convicts?? thanks
  9. just a tip, don't feed them till about 1/2 - 1 hour after lights out. do it quietly too.
  10. i get te,per tantrums if mine don't get their food when they want it :lol: mine are only young, but they get fed a mix of pellets, bloodworms, mysis shrimp, bugs, (very rarely) steak, and bits of vege.
  11. they try not to swim if they can help it, but i check at least twice a day to make sure they're still alive. watching them swim is funny. most of the time, 1 of them is doing them swimming and the others just along for the ride. it seems they take turns, though they are still very small
  12. i have a 203 and a 403. i found the easiest way for me is to fill the canister, put the lid on. put in position near tank. get funnel, put in intake hose. put outlet hose in tank, but not in water. pour water into intake hose till full. put intake hose into water. put thumb over outlet hose and lower to filter level. CAREFULLY lift thumb, watching till water is near end of hose. cover. put hose in water, release thumb. turn on filter. so much easier than siphoning
  13. just watch that she isn't harassed by any of the other fish in the tank. keep an eye on her and if she seems to be having trouble, put her in a separate container, floating in the tank.
  14. Well, mum spent the day in a breeding net and we have another set of twins. joined at the tummy. they are currently residing in a breeding net of their own. will see if i can get better pics later
  15. thanks people. when i finally get my breeding tank back from the multitude of guppy fry in it, i'll try them again. i have recently got a long finned black widow and hope to breed from him. thanks again Tsar
  16. Tsarmina

    guppy book

    thats why you can't find em david, she's got em all :lol:
  17. black widows and pristella for a start.
  18. i know that tetra eggs need darkness, but what about the heater light? will it be strong enough to do damage?? thanks
  19. as long as they're never separated. if you take one out for a while, you can never put it back.
  20. from what i have heard, if males are hatched together, raised together and not separated at any time, they will live together in a tank quite happily.
  21. keep doing regular water changes. this will eventually remove the green colour.
  22. why would you keep them in jars?? just how many are you getting?
  23. am waiting for her to drop again to see if i get any more. should be interesting.
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