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Everything posted by Tsarmina

  1. mine (approx 10cm) is currently sharing a 4ft with 3 BN's, a 26cm pleco and a 15cm BGK. once i get my broken tanks fixed. i will be rearranging all of my fish and he will get a tank to himself. loves bloodworms and guppy fry, though i'm trying to feed him a varied diet :roll:
  2. liquifry is 1 drop for every 4L, 2 - 3 times a day, so you don't use a lot. best thing i found is to mix the required amount with water in a small container first, then use an eye dropper to squirt it all through the tank. this way you can be sure it disperses properly and doesn't end up as a lump on the bottom.
  3. ok, they were swimming around yesterday just finished moving them all to another breeding net in the same tank, as the one they were in is getting pretty grotty. Total eggs collected: 300 Total fry hatched and swimming: 56 not bad considering now to keep them alive till 30 days :bounce:
  4. females are slightly more rounded, males are thin
  5. really depends on its personality. mine was fine, but have heard that others had issues.
  6. Umm, how many days after hatching are they considered free swimming as they don't swim around
  7. well, they have started hatching, though yesterday i removed a lot of eggs that had gone white and fuzzy, so not sure how many are left.
  8. mine will rest in a plant though i did have a couple that would just swim around
  9. i had a 20cm BGK that killed 2 20cm plecos. i have a 12cm BGK that is best friends with a 26cm pleco. it really depends on the fish.
  10. yes the tank is heated. can someone also tell me, at what size are they considered adult? thanks
  11. i beleive it was the male, either getting too frisky and her saying no or fightinng over food, though i do put in enough for both and separate them, they still like to go for the same piece.
  12. hi people, my red ear girl has what looks to be grazing on one of her front legs. she tries not to use it. what can be used to treat it as i don't want infection to set in. thanks
  13. which part of the country are you in? there maybe someone close by who'll have some spare my tips for breeding guppies: get boys get girls put in tank. that is it. the problem you will have is trying to stop them.
  14. for powdered food, just get a pestle and mortar (plate and spoon) add some flake and ground to a powder. my bigger betta fry eat it no problems (so do the little BN's and snails)
  15. my pleco will turn upside down and swim around sucking at the water surface for and bits of food that may be floating, and my little BN's do the same
  16. once you see eggs in the tank, remove them and make sure you leave no leaf unchecked
  17. mine were in a well planted 4ft tank, for a few months, and nothing happened. i moved them yesterday into a 3ft planted tank which had a 95% water change (left enough for the fish to swim in). it currently has: +/- 150 bristlenose babies and dad about 50 white cloud mountain minnows a breeding pair of siamese fighters and the 10 cories. from there they did it on their own as for sexing, the females are bigger than the males. thats all i know. from that i have worked out i have 5 females and 4 males. i'm still unsure what the last is. from what i've been told, it pays to have more boys than girls.
  18. thanks people. if and when they hatch and become old enough, i will be selling them on as i already have 10 adults (hence the number of eggs) :lol:
  19. i cleaned out my 3ft bristlenose tank yesterday and decided to put my peppered cories in it too. needless to say, they did not look at all impressed. at lunchtime today i was looking in the tank and saw some cory eggs. decided to pull them out and put them in a breeding net. i stopped once i reached 300!!! and i know theres more in the tank still
  20. watch him carefully i thought mine was eating the eggs for a while till i saw him spit them back into the nest
  21. Would that count as a breeding and could i register it? i hope not i've only had him for about a month.
  22. it sticks out about 5mm from his body. will try and get a pic, but no promises :roll: he had white spot a while ago, but that has gone. any ideas? thanks
  23. can they live together in the same tank? my son wants some new fish for his 7th birthday. he currently has a 3ft bay window with a few convicts and he specifically asked about angels
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