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Everything posted by Tsarmina

  1. Last year we bought 6 WCMM's. in September i got a container full of Convicts, so the wcmm's got evicted from their tank and put outside in a bathtub. a little while later we were down to 5. in December i noticed fry in the tub. last month we got given 1 more adult, bringing them back up to 6. today we emptied the bath and, along with the 6 adults, there were 54 young minnows they are temporarily in a 3ft tank (looks so cool), till we get the tub scrubbed and de-slimed :roll: 1 of the young has a bent spine, so it is currently residing, with a few guppy fry, in the turtle tank. :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
  2. also, he looks like he is peeling / shedding skin. is this normal?
  3. Ideal pH:, 6.5-7.5. is what i found online. it was floating in the tank but it is now on his basking platform. so it should be ok to put back in the water, i just need to keep an eye on the ph levels?
  4. i had a calcium block, as recommended in a book, floating in the turtle tank. did a Ph test and it was 7.8 have since done a water change and removed the block from the water and put it on his ramp.
  5. will a calcium block increase the Ph levels??
  6. i suggest feeding him a few cooked, shelled peas. it will help clear his tummy.
  7. it is all dependent on the attitude of the fish
  8. it is not recommended putting a male betta in with male guppies or generally anything else with long colourful fins. it becomes a case of "i'm the prettiest fish in the tank and i'll keep it that way" as he nips the others fins. i have mine currently with pearl danio's and female guppies. a female fighter will live happily with most other fish, but just check that those other fish will live happily with her.
  9. the funniest fish i've ever seen was at Billaneys house. there was this one little fish in a tank, swimming laps. round and round the tank it went, swimming the same circuit every lap.
  10. get a thermometer and check what the temp is. we have been having some very hot days recently and that could be increasing the temp in the tank.
  11. if a light keeps turning on and off, is that a starter problem???
  12. i used to keep my boy with danios and female guppies. couldn't keep him with male gups as he would nip their fins. i believe his motto was "i'm the prettiest fish, and i'm gonna make sure it stays that way!"
  13. these guys may be babies now, but they do get bigger. BN's get 4-5inches, whiptails 6-7. i have read that the minimum recommended size tank for a hoplo is 250L. just be prepared that you may need to move them from this tank in the future as space / territory becomes an issue.
  14. a betta should be ok, but i think you may have too many bottom dwellers for a 2ft tank
  15. Tsarmina

    Hutt Pets

    with hutt pets under new management they are doing everything they can to improve their service. the fish section has undergone an amazing improvement in the last year, with more on the way. Ben, the person looking after the fish, asks people what they would like to see in there and will listen to what you have to say.
  16. Tsarmina

    Hercules on TM?

    i know its illegal, but you could try drag net fishing :lol:
  17. as i have said, i am getting them fixed but its going to cost around $450. if the spca has a cheaper rate than the local vet, and can pick up as i don't drive, then i'll go with them. the other option i have been told is the cat protection league.
  18. all of my cats are well fed and loved. the adults have bells on their collars. and if i only kept 1 or 2, what would i do with the other 3 or 4?? it is almost impossible to sell / give away an adult cat, and then theirs the fact that i couldn't think of life without them. the kittens will be rehomed and not sent to the spca or thrown in a bag in the back creek. and once they are fixed (thanks whiskas for the tip) ther will be no more kittens from my lot.
  19. we should be left with the 5 adult cats. i am currently in the process of get funds together to get them fixed. going to cost around $450 for the 5 of them. the pet shop has said they will take them if i can't find homes.
  20. Feeding Time At The Zoo Thor and Loki are sisters Odd Ball and Tig are brothers, S.A.M is their sister. Loki is their mother. Little man and T4 are brother and sister Thor is their mother Chutney and Teddy are brother and sister S.A.M is their mother the 4 kittens are not staying, nor are the five 3wk olds currently residing in my bedroom cupboard. T4 is being picked up today by one of the forum members
  21. mine frequently come to the surface for food. i very rarely feed them flake food.
  22. i have a bath tub in the back yard with 5 mountain minnows and heaps of fry. just checked the temp of the water (and its a lot colder than the air) and it is 28oC
  23. caryl says she has lots of photos and will post them when they get home they stopped in for a cuppa this morning and are now on their way to Te Papa. was great meeting Caryl and Grant, and they are more than welcome anytime they're up this way again
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