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Everything posted by Tsarmina

  1. i have heaps of them. i thought they were just standard old guppies
  2. Wainuiomata pet and farm supplies in the wainui mall has fish too
  3. another way is by putting the fish in a separate container, that no other fish will go near, in water and add a few drops of clove oil.
  4. we have 3 clubs, that i know of in wellington, and it still takes me at least 45mins to get to any of them. *sits back and waits for someone to start wainui club *
  5. rolled oats, a littles yeast and a bit of water
  6. Tsarmina

    Yum, caviar...

    lol, pity you missed the auction. you would have sold all the BN's you were going to take
  7. i had my 10cm BGK in the guppy tank for 2 months and i had no fatalities that i could see
  8. Congratulations!!!!! :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
  9. i will be breeding them again this summer. if you would like to try again at a later time, i will be selling the fry next year around march
  10. they were outside over summer and at one time the water temp was 28 degrees. they were in a bathtub with no filter or heater, just rainfall and the occasional top up from the tap.
  11. melling. there were no symptoms, just death. i bought another 3 from another pet shop and had i given to me. these 6 went outside this time last year. march this year i pulled 60 out
  12. i bought 6 from there a while ago and after 2 wks only had 2 left.
  13. Convict Black Ghost Knife Clown Knife
  14. i don't know, i still can't sex them :roll: i'm pretty sure the only white one i have is male. as for the striped, i don't have a clue
  15. 8 convicts (4-7cm) need their tank cleaned. to do this i need them out of the tank. would it be ok to temporarily house them with a black ghost knife (14cm) and a clown knife (11cm)? it would be for 1 day hopefully, over night at the longest. also in the knife tank are 3 BN's, a siamese algae eater and a 27cm pleco.
  16. guppies don't require anything special. finely crushed flake is all they need
  17. in that size, maybe a BN or 2, but thats about it.
  19. i put mine in a bathtub outside over summer. this time last year i put in 6. march i pulled out 60
  20. start with the minnows, but only the ones you have.
  21. before adding fish to a tank, sit the bag they are in, in the tank for about 30mins. the temp of the bag will change to match that of the tank.
  22. leave them there so they can acclimatise to the new temp. if you take them out, you'll still have to adjust them to it before putting them back anyway
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