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Everything posted by Tsarmina

  1. i have guppies with my red ear.
  2. thanks for the advice Alan. the tank is over 5yrs old. HaNs, hope things pick up for you soon. jim r,
  3. the problem is a little more than just a patch up job. the bracing, on that side, at the top, had been broken previously, so will need to get it replaced and that whole seam reglued.
  4. at 7am my son decided to come and wake me up. i was not impressed. that was until he said "Mum, your tank has a hole in it" Practically flew out of bed to find my 3ft bay window, tetra, tank had sprung a leak. the silicon had come away just slightly on 1 corner about 10cm up from the base. Fortunately, it had only just occurred and there was only about a bucket full of water all over the floor. siphon hose came out with buckets and we lowered the water level, to ease the pressure. once the "spray" had been reduced to a dribble, all of the fish got moved into my 4ft with the guppies (and they are less than impressed) plants are currently living in buckets. table is completely covered in all manner of fish keeping paraphernalia, as i had to empty the cupboards below. :roll: So, that's my fun for this morning. What about you :lol:
  5. my guppy fry are in the tank with the mothers. a large number of them are surviving even without a huge amount of plants, a black ghost knife and 6 rosy barbs in the tank too :roll: :lol: if you have java moss on the bottom of your tank, then there will be no need for the net. And soon you will be asking us how to turn them OFF!!! :lol:
  6. my black ghost knife has, what looks like, air bubbles on him. What could this be and is it cause to be worried?? sorry, no pic. its not easy trying to get one of him. thanks
  7. thanks all. i still haven't learned the art of shipping fish, so when they do go it would be pick up or drop off
  8. what age/size is recommend before selling/passing on bristlenose babies?? i have close to 100 of them with another 75-100 that will be free swimming in the next day or 2.
  9. so how would 1 react if it was living in a tank with 150-200 bristlenose babies and Dad
  10. does anyone here own one of these? if so, can you tell me what it is like caring for them. thanks
  11. no its on the top. will try and get a pic of him tomorrow. house lighting is no good for photos
  12. do a Black Out. completely cover the tank so that there is no light, for 3 days. OR use willow branches. place in tank upright (not in substrate). after around 5 - 10 days roots will form at base of branches. when this happens you should start to see a reduction in the green water. once cleared, remove the branches, otherwise your plants would starve of nutrients. process usually takes 2-3 weeks. (courtesy james3200, May Aquarium World)
  13. mine has a slight pink tinge to its shell. is that normal???
  14. once the temperature goes up they will become more active. what size tank do you have??
  15. what ever brand you choose, make sure it is fully submersible.
  16. i had a male lose his tail when he got caught in the net covering the syphon hose :roll: yes, tails do grow back, maybe not as complete as it was before though. to help it along, you could put a little melafix in the tank.
  17. my black ghost knife will rest on his side in the floating plants. many times i thought i'd lost him, only to have him dart away when i poke him, the second time!!
  18. thanks Peanuts CC, i have sent you a pm.
  19. also do a gravel vac after treatment
  20. do you have carbon in your filter?? i had this issue once, threw out the carbon, and haven't had the problem since.
  21. Tsarmina

    cleaning Q

    the fry are just over 2wks old. thanks for the advice
  22. Tsarmina

    cleaning Q

    i have +/- 75 BN fry swimming around my tank and dad under the driftwood with a new batch of eggs. the question is, is it ok to do a gravel vac? i don't want to lose any fry or upset the eggs. thanks
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