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Everything posted by Tsarmina

  1. looks like nothing came of this breeding.
  2. if you want the fry to survive, i suggest a breeding tank. as soon as the eggs are laid, take the adults out otherwise they will eat the eggs. to help stop this cover the bottom over the breeding tank with marbles. the majority of the eggs will fall through and the adults won't be able to get at them.
  3. thanks once these are done, i'm going to try either black widows buenos aires betta cories rosy barbs and then pearl danios :lol:
  4. just be wary of using breeding traps as the female may get stressed with being in such a small place, and she may abort.
  5. 2 days ago i put a female pristella in a breeding tank. last night i added another (thought it was male) and then a male. this morning - i have eggs! have removed the adults. now i just have to wait and see if anything comes of it. this is the first time i have attempted breeding egg layers. (the danios don't count as i wasn't trying to breed them. they did it all by themselves)
  6. I FOUND THEM!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: well, i found 5 of them and there is 1 fry in the tank with the adults.
  7. i got that too, though i have more guppies than countable :lol: do you have plants floating too??
  8. general rule "if it will fit in my mouth. i'll eat it" and a ghost knife has a very large mouth
  9. i just can't find them :roll: :lol: yesterday morning i noticed my danios spawning and eating the eggs. this morning i noticed a few still in the plants (15-20), so i removed them, put them in a breeding net in my 4ft tank. the eggs have been there all day, until just after dinner, when i checked. so hopefully there are 15-20 fry stuck to the side of the net and i just can't see them.
  10. i have a 3ft tank with about 100 male gups (yes, i know, too many). there are NO females in there as these are the ones i'm selling on. there are a few tattered fins but no deaths as of yet. in my 4ft, there are close to 200, most being young, with no issues.
  11. PLANARIA it seems i have a large number of planaria in the turtle tank. i did a large water change 2 days ago. do i completely empty the tank, gravel and all, to get rid of them??
  12. that was partly my plan :oops: if the one in my guppy tank can help with population control, then thats all good.
  13. i currently have a 10cm BGK (Zippy) in a guppy based community tank. i am waiting for it to get a little larger before i put it in a knife only tank with the 22cm one (Mac) we have.
  14. i don't have any myself, but for those in this area that want them, Wainui pets has a couple at the moment.
  15. unsure on the carpet bit, but you need to invest in a check valve. it will prevent this from happening again.
  16. with a hang on back you will be fine turning the air off
  17. what type of filter do you have?? if it is a hang on back filter, you should be ok. if it is an in the water filter, then be careful.
  18. gobies are generally a brackish water fish
  19. oops, sorry. got to learn to read properly :lol: :lol:
  20. FEEDING. my young turtle likes to eat, a lot! now do i feed him until he's full, or should i just feed him a certain amount several times a day?
  21. how much water are you changing?
  22. found this from a google search Hatchlings take brine shrimp,tubifex worms, water fleas and small insects
  23. update: 10 peppered corys 1 albino pleco 6 bristlenoses 1 chinese algae eater 1 flying fox 4 khuli loaches
  24. Tsarmina

    algae eater

    a chinese or golden algae eaters can live in room temp water, but they are only good at eating algae young. once they get older they tend to get lazy :roll:
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