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Everything posted by Tsarmina

  1. funny you say mysis shrimp. mine won't touch them. other than that, Zippy (the one i have left) will eat practically anything. hasn't started eating my guppies yet, that he shares his tank with. only a matter of time though.
  2. Tsarmina

    black algae

    there are a couple of gold spot plecos in my lfs that strip the tanks bare of BA. just a thought
  3. i don't line breed myself, but i do have golden's golden snakeskin lyre tail snakeskin lyre tail top swords bottom swords double swords snakeskins and many others that are red, black, yellow, etc.
  4. thanks all for your support my BNs are fine when it comes to melafix. haven't tried it with the pleco and will never try it with my younger BGK. (not after the last reaction)
  5. thanks for the food ideas, but unfortunately i lost him this afternoon. thread is in disease section if anyone can help shed some light on things
  6. i lost him melafix dose was less than 1 third recommended 1/2hr later he jumped out of the water and when he went back down he was almost flat on the bottom. i removed him instantly into another tank thinking there was too much in there for him. he barely moved and died 10mins later. a few things: he wouldn't eat anything at all. he was always swimming upright with his nose pointing towards the surface, never swimming through the water horizontally. tank parameters are fine, though ph may be a little low no other fish in tank wound on tail tank has airstone, filter, heater, barrel shaped cave, Indian fern floating, a couple of crypts planted, gravel and a piece of slate against the barrel to cover one of the holes (blocking light). what happened?? does it sound like a swim bladder problem??
  7. my BGK has an injured tail. any ideas? he doesn't like, well diluted, melafix applied directly near his tail. he almost jumped out of the tank. he isn't eating anything and i'm starting to get worried. he is alone in his tank. i think he may have scratched it on his cave. please help as i don't want to lose him.
  8. i would also be interested in the food part, as my black ghost won't eat. he was eating guppies for a while, but has stopped.
  9. so far just the 2. 3 that were stillborn and 30 standard fry. i just thought it extra strange that she had 2 pairs of twins.
  10. one of my guppies gave birth to 2 pairs of twins joined at the tummy. is this a common occurrence? unfortunately i didn't get any photos before she ate them. also she had 2 dead ones. too much inbreeding??
  11. they are fine with crushed flake. thats all mine get and i have hundreds of gups
  12. well, introduced the new turtle today and they are getting on fine. turns out Raphael is a girl and our new one, Michelangelo, is a boy. the first thing he did when he saw Raph was try to breed with her :oops: :lol: he is a bit smaller than she is and has a lumpy shell. he was abandoned in otaki and a friend had him listed on TM. we had people passing through and they picked him up for us. the shell, other than being bumpy, doesn't seem to have anything wrong with it, though i've yet to test for softness. he looks a little under fed, but that will change will get pics once he stops chasing Raph around and mucking up the water.
  13. is there anything i should do or can they be thrown together straight away. we have a rescue coming to live with us tomorrow and want to make sure things go smoothly between it and Raph. thanks
  14. it's either cabomba or ambulia or both. i can't tell them apart :roll:
  15. thats if mum isn't already near the bottom, and turns around and eats it straight after she dropped it.
  16. normally they come out tail first, so it looks like mum is just pooping, unless you look real close. But, who wants to look real close at fish poop unless you know its a fry? :lol: :lol:
  17. that is a neutral range and i wouldn't worry too much
  18. have you checked the water parameters?
  19. Mark wanted to call him Michelangelo, but i said no because he's red not orange.
  20. unfortunately she wouldn't come out from behind the leaf for a better shot.
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