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Everything posted by Tsarmina

  1. the fry. they can't stay in the tank they're in as there are 60 minnows in there and 150 odd bristlenoses already.
  2. ok, on that note... i have a spare tank and bits. would it be wise to use tank water to set up or can i use tap water? it will be bare bottom with airstone. should i add floating plants?
  3. Tsarmina

    guppy fry

    it also depends on her diet. Shiuh managed to get 1 female to drop 118 fry by feeding a mostly meat based diet.
  4. on the 15th my fighters bred (fry free swimming on the 17th). today, they're doing it again. the first time i had them in a breeding tank. this time they are in a community tank. my question is, can i put the second lot of fry into the tank with the first lot?
  5. congrats. they will sit on the bottom until they know they are safe. if you put a plant in the net, they'll feel more secure. as for food, finely crushed flake is fine.
  6. Why breed fish... i enjoy the challenge. once the tanks are all set up and you have your fish swimming happily, it gets a little boring. i find that by breeding my fish, it keeps me enthused and motivates me to clean my tanks :oops: i started with guppies which soon became too easy and, yet again, boring. so now on to the slightly harder fish. my bettas have recently bred and i have a few types of tetra i'm going to try. also the thrill of watch the eggs hatch is amazing.
  7. they can get to about 50cm, but take a very long time to get there. the 2ft will be fine for a month or 2, but the sooner you put him in a bigger tank the happier he will be. i know of a person who had 2 in a 3ft together
  8. do you get over to this side of the hill at all?? if you do i can give you some to get you started the cories will be fine, but i haven't had any otto's. so i don't know the answer to that one
  9. what size is small and how long before you get a 4ft? i had my 10cm BGK in a 3ft for a while and he had plenty of space. he has been living with guppies since i got him and haven't lost any... YET!!
  10. for livebearer fry, i have found java moss on the bottom and indian fern floating are the best plants. corys won't eat the fry so are ok. bristlenoses are better as they will clean the tank.
  11. sounds like cotton mouth. do a google search to see if it matches any of the descriptions in the articles
  12. he finally allowed me to take some pics of him (camera shy). please note the black spots are algae on the side of the tank.
  13. I have fry!! they were hatching this morning and dad had his fins full catching them and they wiggled free of the nest. heres a couple of bad pics :roll: Dad with his little nest dad chasing an escapee (the little white dot) will see if i can get some of the fry a little later
  14. i managed to save the 2nd lot from mums mouth. had them in a net. they survived 8 days. good luck with yours
  15. i had 2 lots of those
  16. i have betta eggs!! well, my bettas do. she finally decided today was the day and now day is in the tank with a small nest of eggs. absolutely amazing to watch the process for the first time. will see if i can get some pics. no promises though as they are in an unlit tank. :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
  17. i have found that khuli loaches prefer to be in bigger groups, otherwise you don't see them. also the more hiding place you can provide, the less they hide
  18. i found mine won't eat the outside of the courgette, so i peel it, blanch it, freeze it and feed it to them as required. they eat the whole lot and leave nothing to clean up.
  19. ITS HERE!!!!!!!!! :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: now i just have to read it
  20. now thats a stunning fish! will have to pop round sometime so i can see her for myself (not to mention everything else you have) :lol:
  21. in my experience: electronic filters, internal or external, are a whole heap better than UG filters. an electronic one will collect the 'gunk' out or the tank into itself, which you then clean out. UG collects the gunk under the plastic platform. you then have to try and get it all out without disturbing the tank. when i was using an UG filter, i had major problems with nitrate levels being very high no matter how many water changes i did. it cleared up as soon as i took it out. you can use both together. as for carbon, i find its a waste of time. yes, it does absorb chemicals in the tank, but if not changed reasonably frequently, it can release these back into the tank. for an UG filter i used to use zeolite. BUT, as i said, this is just my opinions and experience. everyone differs
  22. if it is solid plastic with no gaps below the water line, add an airstone if its a net trap, leave the trap floating in the tank and watch and wait
  23. congrats do you have a breeding trap? if not, carefully, put them into a container floating in the tank with an airstone.
  24. so, she finally decide that this nest would suit her needs! she turned her nose up at how many that he had built?? congrats. no i just need my boy to do his thing :roll:
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